Eco-farming and natural building.

Building with natural material - ecological gardenfarming - tending animals - forest work - handicraft - food conservation - wilderness skills.

Hastekasen Farm Association volunteer internship
Sweden 2016-2017

6-9 months

Informal learning through practical work.
Community living on the countryside.

Building with natural material - ecological garden/farming - tending animals - forest work - handicraft - traditional food conservation - wilderness skills.

Free food
Free accommodation
Pocket money
5 days a month free

Our facebook:

Our slogan is back to nature. Our main tool is hard work.
Our key words are: ruralisation, entrepreneurship, creativity, environment, self sustainability. We offer empowerment. We plan to change lives and open minds as we have been doing since 2012.

It will be dirty, you will sweat, you will touch animals, your body will at times hurt, sometimes it is boring, sometimes it is cold and raining. It will make you mentally strong.
We expect you to be able to carry 30% of your bodyweight (men 40%)

You will share household with many others. You will have to clean, cook, bake e t c. You will share your free time with the people living here. Food will be simple and vegetarian (no sugar, no alcohol, no nicotine). Living conditions are simple, sometimes 15 degrees in your room, there are ants and mice and mosquitos, only dry toilet, max 4 showers every week, max 1 laundry every week, no wifi, mobiles must stay in your room. Because we try to be "here and now". No TV, no videogames - not even in your freetime, because you chose this EVS because you want to do things in nature with others.
Sometimes there are electricity cuts, you will have to make a fire to keep warm and to cook. There is no city here, civilization is far away, no shops, no cafés, no bars - nothing. Only nature, and weather.
You will learn self sustainability and be part of a future ruralisation. You will learn to grow food without machines, you will learn to build your own house, cheap and ecological.

You will be able to pursue your own projects within the community.
We will give you freedom and responsibility.
We expect you to grow and become a leader.

We prefer that you are 22+ years old.

We are looking for a SENDING organization that is also a host that reflects our activities, that means a host that is a farm on the countryside - that wants to send its members to another farm.

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Project overview

Eco-farming and natural building. is a project by
Hästekasen Farm and adventre centre.
taking place
from 2023-03-01 till 2023-09-01
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Geographical obstacles
All we ask is that you participate with enthusiasm. That you will work hard to learn. We demand that you share the vision of the community. You must be open and honest. You must be ready for physical work.

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