EASY – EntrepreneuriAl Skills for You(th)

Simulation of economic situations for increasing entrepreneurial skills and understanding of social entrepreneurship in youth projects

Social entrepreneurship and the social economy are new concepts that have not yet been fully clarified. This finding seems to be the agreement of the theoreticians and practitioners in the field, but also of the international organizations that have studied the phenomenon. Perhaps it will take a long time for the ideas to be asked and to sit.

But all of these are, in some extent theoretical concepts. The individual experience of organizations, trainers and youth workers can make the difference between a successful entrepreneurial activity and an unsuccessful activity. And for young people, this is essential.

In the same context of the novelty of the subject, the limitations of the project will be given by the individual level of experience in the field, by the inception of relevant legislation in the Member States of the European Union, which is currently lacking a long operational and legal practice, and as a result of all their lack of conceptual clarification.

Our project aims to contribute to the ongoing clarification process and to extract from the debates that have the most useful knowledge for the practice of setting up and developing social enterprises.

From this point of view, we designed and developed a training that, in addition to the theoretical elements, has a practical component, through examples of situations that may appear in our social activity.

As a result of the training we aim to improve the quality of the entrepreneurial skills and abilities of the key persons participating in entrepreneurial projects within the ERASMUS+ program.

Expected results:
-develop the communication, cooperation, teamwork, creativity, problem solving and communication skills in a foreign language which youth workers and youth people will need most in the 21st century
-develop new tools and methods related to entrepreneurship activities which can be applied in youth work
-designed better project activities to be carried out in the future while developing dialogue and cooperation, experience sharing between the different actors and the youth workers working in the field of Social Entrepreneurship

We will do this mainly by: developing exchanges of experience and best practices for organizations involved in the project, rolling games to develop new skills, developing ideas for solving social situations with the help of social initiatives.

Interested organizations are requested to send all requested documents (mandate letter, preliminary agreement and questionnaire) filled in at the indicated email address. Subject: EASY

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Project overview

EASY – EntrepreneuriAl Skills for You(th) is a project by
Asociatia "Centrul de excelenta in dezvoltare personala SOLOMON"
taking place
from 2018-10 till 2019-06
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship

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