Discover yourself

“Discover yourself” is a project of Youth’s exchange which is being organized by Lithuanian association “Unique Projects” and is going to take place in Kaunas.


Who and where?
“Discover yourself” is a project of Youth’s exchange which is being organized by Lithuanian association “Unique Projects” and is going to take place in Kaunas (second biggest city in Lithuania).

The project is going to begin on 1st of October and end on 29th of February.
The preliminary date of the main exchange of the project is in the middle of January 2016 (from 8th to 16th approximately) and will last for 9 days (+/- 1 day).

What are our main goals?
Main goals of this project is reveal your personal passions and to connect personal hobbies with studies or job perspectives.
Projects tasks are to helps participants find their personality sides and activities for which they feel the most inspiration. To help them develop their personality and raise their emotional coefficient.

What kind of activities?
Project will consists of three parts:
The first one is preparing period (participant’s homework) while each of the participant will be analysing him/herself and trying to reveal his/her real wants, wishes, hopes and passions in life and the way he/she is going now.
Second part is main exchange. During these approximately 10 days we are going to share each other’s experience. During activities we will try to show how important it is to dedicate for activities you really feel passionate about and how it can help you in the future while finding your dream job and discovering your speciality.
We will use various kind of methods and activities, most of them will include non-formal practices: learning by doing, team-working, discussions, case analysis, problem solving, creatve workshops, simulations, consultations with each other as well as psychologist’s lecture/consultation about EQ, personality and character, temperament types.
The last part is going to be after-departure period while participants will be collecting and sharing their new experience and impressions after the exchange and changed attitude and try to implement their discoveries in their own life.

Number of participants is 28 (plus 4 leaders), with 7 youngsters plus 1 leader from organization, aged 17 to 25.

How to prepare?
Every participant will have to do some kind of homework and to prepare before arriving. It’s going to be watching and analyzing themselves.

Also, everyone will receive prepared information about exchange project and preparation, arrival details and contact information, so that everything flow fluently.

This project has been viewed 143 times.

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Project overview

Discover yourself is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2016-01-08 till 2016-01-16
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Drama and theatre
  • Environment
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

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