Disabilities OR Different Abilities?

Development of the skills and tools needed to involve people with disabilities (different abilities) in Youth activities.Interesting Approach!

The project will bring together a maximum of 20 participants in order to explore ways to involve people with different abilities (disabilities) in youth activities. Stereotypes, challenges, Social inclusion, Active Participation and citizenship, prejudices are only some of the subjects that are going to be analyzed. The participants will enhance their skills and their tools in order to support their own target groups, in particular young people with fewer opportunities inclusion (people with all kind of disabilities). The project is going to use new activities to show new ways on how to involve everybody. The project will also highlight the significance of the activation of immobile volunteers in the participants’ organisations.The outcome of the training is expected to have a multiplication effect: from the individual participant to the organization he/ she represents.
• Financial aspects: participants will be reimbursed for the 70% of the travel cost on display of their boarding passes. Food and accommodation is paid. Participants will be required to pay a participation fee of €30.
• Safety & Insurance: We will require copies of the travel insurances before travelling to Cyprus.
• How to participate: Send us a short description of your organization and the link to the website (if you have one). Please send us the names, gender and role (Youth Leader, Social Worker, Youth Worker) of the participants. After you fill in the Part 3, send the scanned version to Giorgos Kafkalias giorgos.kafkalias@cyco.org.cy and mail the original to
P.O. Box 12106 CY 2341 NICOSIA

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Project overview

Disabilities OR Different Abilities? is a project by
Cyprus Youth Clubs Organization
taking place
from 2012-07-02 till 2012-07-09
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Non-formal learning

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