DATA Youth – Data driven youth work

DATA Youth - aiming to contribute to the capacities of youth organisations to support, design and implement activities based on data and information available.

DATA Youth – is innovative project aiming to contribute to the capacities of youth organisations to support, design and implement activities based on data and information available. Organisations will be able to collect and handle data relevant for their youth work practices, design projects based on real data and handle it on professional and effective way. Along with it, project will provide youth workers and its organisations with competences regarding online communication, implementation of online activities and online activism.
Project induces series of trainings, conferences, meeting and other activities during which partners and its members will design solutions for identified issues in online youth work, as well as traditional forms of youth work that can be impacted using data and information available.
Project is still in the drafting phase. Roles of partners, its contribution and responsibility will be agreed individually with each partner.
If you are interested to take part in this project, please send us PIF on email not later that on 28.06.2021.

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Project overview

DATA Youth – Data driven youth work is a project by
C:E:T platform
taking place
from 2022 till 2023
This project relates to:
Capacity Building
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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