CYBERBULLYING –during the COVID19 pandemic

The project’s vision is to reduce the cases of cyberbullying among young people by creating a support community through specific tools.

We are looking for partners that are genuinely interested in the topic, are either experts in cyber bullying or have the necessary experience and abilities to become involved in the project activities, have experience in implementing Erasmus+ projects, are able to propose new activities and bring an added value to the project. We do, as well welcome new coming organizations that are eager to become involved, have a professional attitude and are willing to learn. If the aforementioned suit your profile and you are up for collaboration, please send an email with your PIF to our address.

Target group: Young people aged between 14-18 years old and Youth Workers
1. Increase the sense the security and foster safe behaviours in the online environment of young people across the EU communities;
2. Encourage young people, aged 14 - 18 to report the cyberbullying situations;
3. Increase awareness among the organizations involved with its youth workers about their importance in the lives of young people for a healthy, risk-free lifestyle in the online environment.
4. Young people and local schools acquire the necessary knowledge to reduce cyberbullying situations.
5. Develop a strategic partnership across the European Union with organizations in the field of cyberbullying and youth.
1. According to , the number of young people who have been harassed by their colleagues has increased. The number was amplified during the pandemic, when in most countries, classes took place online. Consequently, young people ended up being harassed by their colleagues not only during the classes in schools, in their free time, but also online.
2. According to , 42% of young people were harassed on Instagram and 37% on Facebook. This number increased during the pandemic when young people spent much more time on social networks due to the lock-down.
1. Guideline Methodology – the theoretical background of the activities that shall be made available to young people in the organizations involved and in the local schools.
2. Web platform and game – the theoretical and practical sides come together; the platform contains information about cyberbullying and the game invites the audience to learn practically about the phenomenon and test the acquired information.
3. Videos as testimonies

This project has been viewed 284 times.
We're looking for:
2 more partners
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Deadline for this partner request:

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Project overview

CYBERBULLYING –during the COVID19 pandemic is a project by
SCOUT Society
taking place
from 2023-02-01 till 2025-03-31
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences

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