Culture as a Unifier In Mediterranean Zones

A project about the growing cultural distance between Mediterranean nations and communities.

In today's world, growing distances between nations and cultures often overshadow their similarities. This project aims to address this by focusing on the Mediterranean Zone, a region with a shared history, cultural similarities, and parallel lifestyles.

Our primary goal is to raise awareness about the common cultural heritage and identity of the Mediterranean region. By fostering mutual understanding, respect, and appreciation among Mediterranean nations and cultures, we hope to build bridges rather than walls. This project seeks to create a more united, peaceful, and prosperous Mediterranean region.

Participants will engage in intercultural dialogue, learn to appreciate cultural differences and similarities, and develop competencies in intercultural communication, language skills, and critical thinking. Through non-formal learning methods, they will cultivate curiosity, openness, and respect for other cultures, equipping them to navigate our diverse world effectively.

Ultimately, this project aims to strengthen bonds and promote collective progress, highlighting the rich cultural tapestry that unites the Mediterranean nations.

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Project overview

Culture as a Unifier In Mediterranean Zones is a project by
Çukurova University
taking place
from 2023-09-01 till 2024-09-01
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

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