Exchange of good practices for the promotion of creativity in the inclusion and integration development of young people with disabilities.

We're looking for 3 partners with experience in the field of disability connected with the treatment of autism disorders.

Cooperativa Sociale Onlus Loco Motiva is working at a project application on Erasmus + KA2 young-exchange of good practices / deadline 04/10/2016 – regarding the promotion of creativity for the achievement of equal opportunities, inclusion and integration of disabled young people, in particular young with autism, in the area of informal and non formal education.


- Promoting a culture of inclusion and integration;
- Promoting the values of socialization and solidarity, respect for the dignity of others and
the principle of equal opportunities;
- Promoting the art for educational and cultural purposes, as a tool for
implementing European values of “interculturality” and the active participation of young people.
- Improving the quality of socio-educational animation including through a closer cooperation between organizations that work in the youth field.
- Increasing the international dimension of activities in the field of youth and
increasing the capacity of youth workers and youth organizations such us support for

The proposal for the exchange will last 24 months maximum.

Expected results:

- The creation of an interactive platform for the virtual exchange between partners, groups
of young people involved and the construction of a network of stakeholders.
- The organization of an International Workshop for training and exchanging of experiences among the operators partners.
- The organization of an International Workshop for the exchange of youth groups involved.
- The realization of an Out-put in the form of E-Report containing the exchanged material and final documents.
- The organization of local events and advertising materials for the promotion and dissemination of the objectives and results of the exchange programme

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Project overview

Rete Europa 2020
taking place
from 2017-02-01 till 2019-02-01
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Disability
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Policy-making
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Disability
We're looking for 3 partners with experience in the field of disability connected with the treatment of autism disorders.

Short URL to this project:

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