Council of Members_COMEM 2013 Budapest

the Council of Member of GSW IYU will be held on 16-19 May in Budapest, Hungary. It is a statutory meeting of member organzations and convened twice a year.

The Council of Member of GSW IYU will be held on 16-19 May in Budapest, Hungary. It is a statutory meeting of member organzations and convened twice a year. During the event memer organizations discuss and adopt policy papers on the different issues. Member organizations can raise the issues and submit the resolutions for the adoption and further follow-up. The small working group discussions are also organized during event and all members can contribute with their experience. The costs related to the travel and accommodation will be covered by organizers.
As the criteria set for the member of the Union, we welcome youth organizations working, preferably on national level with high visibility in their countries and/or internationally. We welcome, non-government and non-political youth organizations engaged with social work for youth development and inclusion. At the moment our Union is represented by 25 organization from 25 countries each. The membership is open for more than one organization from every member state. The number of delegates for standing meetings of the Union is 2 delegates per country for the General Assembly(every 3 years) and 1 delegate for the Council of Members (twice per year). Various projects and activities carried out by the Union can involve more participants depending on the project details.
Youth organizations from Spain, Italy and Germany interested in the project should send e-mails to with information about their organizations and their positions in those organizations.

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Project overview

Council of Members_COMEM 2013 Budapest is a project by
Great Silk Way International Youth Union
taking place
from 2013-05-16 till 2013-05-19
This project relates to:
Action 3.1 (Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries)
and is focusing on:
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Innovation
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Peace and conflict
  • Volunteering
  • Youth policy

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