Conquer the Labour Market!

Youth Exchange: Acquiring the necessary skills for the future career and entering the labor market.

The unemployment rate in Europe is a situation we are dealing with for a long time now and unfortunately it has changed, but rather in the opposite desired direction. Looking over the statistics of European Union in the last 2 decades the conclusions are something to worry about. The concerns around unemployment are that rather it should decrease as we could say more opportunities arise along with the development of technology than the current real situation we are facing with, which is its increment despite all the efforts. Even if the situation has improved along the years, the statistics still show a situation that needs to be handled and worked upon immediately.

The main objective of the project is:
1. Acquiring the necessary skills for the future career and entering the labor market (by 50 young people for 7 days); improving the level of key competences and skills of young people, developing basic and transversal skills such as entrepreneurship, digital competences and multilingualism in youth work and non-formal learning (this objective is also found among the youth objectives and priorities of the program Erasmus plus)

Secondary Objectives:

1. The discovery by 42 young people of the labor market requirements (which are the most widespread jobs and how the job exchange evolves, what are the claims of employers, etc.) for 8 days.
3. The internalization by the 42 young people of the rights and freedoms they have on the EU labor market, as well as the discovery of opportunities for engagement and internships in the EU space (in line with the youth priority to increase the level of information on European Citizenship)
4. Building multicultural dialogue and interaction with young people from different states and cultures (in line with the youth objective of the program that encourages international co-operation)
5. Developing inclusive behaviors (inclusion of young people from economically and socially disadvantaged environments into activities)

Activity dates: 02 May 2020 – 09 May 2020 Timisoara, Romania

Partners countries: 6 partners + host organization (Romania)
Each partner will send 5 participants + 1 youth leader
Participants should be aged 20 or above. Maximum age limit 30.

(1) Please fill the questionnaire attached
(2) Please send us the PIF of your organisation

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Project overview

Conquer the Labour Market! is a project by
Center of Strategies for Youth Development
taking place
from 2020-01-01 till 2020-11-30
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles

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