Using Internet for a more effective communication, which develops awareness and initiative skill: the project is aimed at young people from 16 to 19 years old.

The project "Communication in the 2.0 age" will be implemented in the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+, dedicated to youth mobility, and will take place in Italy for a period of 14 days in the 2016 summer.

The scenery analyzed shows that, in the globalized Western world, it is not uncommon to see the uncritical use of the internet technology by young people and a kind of communication which goes ever faster without content and cultural depth, following closed models at the expense of creativity, interpersonal relations, data and information research aimed at a strategic and specific goal. Through the meeting and the dialogue between boys and girls from different geographical and cultural contexts, we want to promote a different type of communication, research and constructive information and data exchange, using the same technology but privileging different objectives.

Beneficiaries and participants in the project:
Young people between 16 and 19 years old, selected with the results of an initial questionnaire on the use of
Internet, considering the gender equality and the presence of persons belonging to disadvantaged categories (social, economic, geographical and cultural obstacles).

Objectives and results of the project:
- Supporting young people in acquiring skills they can use in the workforce;
- Improving learning and research skills through the integration of digital training with "analogic" training;
- Promoting active participation in the public life, local and even European.
- Developing initiative, entrepreneurship and emancipation skills towards the adult world;
- Raising awareness about other cultures and countries, and about the European project in its multiple dimensions.

Activities carried out in the mobility period:
- Workshop of analysis and sharing of the results of the individual questionnaire, exchanging and comparing experiences and practices;
- Offline workshop: setting goals; organizing research work; organizing data collection activities; processing the results and use them strategically;
- Online workshop: critical reading of the news pages; searching of reliable sources, Smart Search technique (profiled and not), thematic research; mailing as an information tool (Newsletters and RSS feeds); tools of active and strategic interaction (blogs and social networks) personal branding (building and maintaining your online identity).
- Workshops for socialization and relational activities aiming to become aware of their body as a communication medium.

Project deliverables for the dissemination of the results:
- Site / blog that documents the project in all its phases;
- Profiles on the main social networks;
- Paper and digital information material;
- Pictures and video to be produced during the mobility, also by the same participants;
- Organization of one or more meetings / conferences for the presentation and dissemination of the results of
the project

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Project overview

COMMUNICATION IN THE 2.0 AGE is a project by
Rete Europa 2020
taking place
from 2018-02-01 till 2018-09-30
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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