Colors of entrepreneurship: a way to grow together

The project proposal is based on the idea of improving the sense of initiative and young entrepreneurship in Europe.

ETS Ermes is a non-profit association of young graduates and professionals founded with the aim of spreading the European culture and fostering social, racial, and cultural inclusion in the territory of EU, through means as training courses, young mobilities, transnational events and several activities focused on the develop of the European Union principles. For these reasons, we are glad to invite you as a partner in our project proposal “Colors of entrepreneurship: a way to grow together” in the field of the programme Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic partnerships in the field of youth, whose deadline is 12/02/2019, believing that your participation could represent an added value to our purpose.
The project proposal is based on the idea of improving the sense of initiative and young entrepreneurship in Europe, through an exchange of good practices called upon encouraging social inclusion and youth employment of people with fewer opportunities, both from the countries in which the project proposal will take place and people with a migratory background.
The main goal, indeed, lead to provide a real and sustainable support to the participants of the project, developing key competences, improving their sense of initiative and exchanging entrepreneur skills among all of them.
The number of participants is set at 20, and 5 of them will have to hail from a migratory background. Furthermore, they will have to meet the following requirements:
- Age between 24 and 30
- Knowledge of the English language
- Be a young graduate, neet, young unemployed person

The project will last 12 months between May 2019 and May 2020. During this period, several activities will take place:
- Exchange of models of entrepreneurship by the use of long-distance learning
- Improvement of the competences of partner organizations through training of their operators and exchange of experiences by the use of new technologies
- 4 short mobilities which will be held among all of the programme countries
- 2 “Entrepreneurship’s fair” where young professional will speak about entrepreneurship and new technologies.

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Project overview

Colors of entrepreneurship: a way to grow together is a project by
taking place
from 2019-05-01 till 2020-05-31
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human rights
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Cultural differences
Neet Unemployed people Migrants

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