Color me smart

Topic: Developing the skills for getting to know yourself and get along with others.

For a young person to become a truly independent and capable grown up, they need to work on themselves and do more when it comes to getting ready for life than just graduating from high school or university. Although improvements are constantly being introduced to the formal educational systems, it’s still not nearly enough. The educational system does not focus on teaching how to interact with other people, how to be a team-player, how to prepare for and pass your first job interview and surely it does not explain why it is important to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. So, when youngsters start their life path it can be very difficult to get through without any loss. Some people say that we learn from our mistakes, but for some youngsters such lack of knowledge and practice result into low self-esteem, discouragement, languor and even depression in the very beginning of adult life.
“Color me smart” is a youth exchange that will gather 42 young people from 7 different countries with the aim to help young people develop social and communication skills, give practical knowledge, learn how to have positive relationship with yourself and others, realize influence of relationship on one's quality life, increase empathy towards disadvantaged social groups – all contributing to self-development. We want to give an opportunity to learn and improve intrapersonal life skills, like self-awareness, self-control, self-esteem, self-respect and self-reflection and interpersonal such as effective communication, cooperation, teamwork and problem-solving abilities, respect of similarities and differences, appreciation, empathy, trust and love. The general methodological framework of the project is based on non-formal education principles taking into account needs, motivations and experience of target group using participatory learning approach. We believe that this project will inspire and encourage young people and help them become captain of their own ship without letting anyone else take the wheel.

Additional information:
Venue: Italy
Application form:
Deadline: 21.09.2020

This project has been viewed 77 times.

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Project overview

Color me smart is a project by
Youth Senate Bulgaria
taking place
from 2021-04-01 till 2021-12-31
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
The target group will include participants aged 18-30 years.

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