Coached Training for Future Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

Training Course: encourage young people to start new business

The main goal of the project is to encourage young people to start new business.
Specific objectives of the project are the following:

O1: stimulating 27 young people's mobility and active participation in society;
O2: stimulating 27 young people’s spirit of initiative and creativity;
O3: develop skills of entrepreneurship and employability in 27 young people (the skills developed are not just for entrepreneurs, they also help participants find better jobs, easier);
O4: help the 27 young people develop their ideas in sustainable business plans;
O5: To enable 27 trainers to use CEFE tools and create new exercises based on CEFE methods;
O6: strengthening the capacities of partner organizations in the field of entrepreneurship.

The project will bring together groups of young people from 9 countries, providing them with an opportunity to be coached by experienced CEFE trainers and receive valuable feedback, in order to successfully organize CEFE trainings and increase their chances to be licensed CEFE trainers.
Therefore, it addresses several needs of the participants and their communities.
CEFE is a methodology that stands for Competency based Economies through Formation of Entrepreneurs and represents an accumulation of non-formal instruments for entrepreneurship training combined with an active and dynamic approach to work and methods of empirical learning in order to develop and improve managerial and individual skills.

EFE trainings are designed for managers at all levels, existing and future entrepreneurs, as well as all business people who want to improve professionally and personally.

Activity dates: 2 June 2020 – 7 June 2020, Timisoara, Romania

Partners countries: 8 partners + host organization (Romania)

Each partner will send 3 participants.
Participants should be aged 20 or above. There is no maximum age limit.

The course will also include time for participants to learn about each other’s work and to develop ideas for new projects based on shared interests.

(1) Please fill the questionnaire attached
(2) Please send us the PIF of your organisation

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Project overview

Coached Training for Future Entrepreneurship Ambassadors is a project by
Center of Strategies for Youth Development
taking place
from 2020-01-01 till 2020-10-30
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Non-formal learning

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