Carpe DIEM! (Digital Innovation in Educational Methodologies)

Digital Tool Fair - Professional Development Activity (PDA) developed within the Erasmus+ Accreditation of Associazione InCo - Molfetta APS.

The activity consists of a 5 days international Tool Fair that has been designed for Youth Workers and trainers who want to explore innovative digital tools, and at the same time introduce the digital tools developed within their own organization.

The main objective of this Professional Development Activity is to give participants opportunities to exchange experiences, methodologies and digital educational tools to improve their quality and improve non-formal and informal learning methodologies.

The focus of the activity will be oriented towards exchanging digital tools and innovative practices that aim at training, recognition and professionalization of Youth Workers.

Furthermore, we will dive into the future of technology and how to use artificial intelligence tools (AI), text and text-to-image generators, and how they are going to change the way we work with young people. We will discuss AI real-world applications, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use, as well as speculate the future developments in the methodologies in Youth Work that lie ahead for this remarkable innovation in digital tools.

Other objectives of the PDA answer the need to explore and compare Youth Work in Europe, and to bring together national, regional and local level perspectives. Among the expected results of this PDA the aim is to identify the recognition of the education and training paths of Youth workers.

Other objectives:
To give space to participants to share and experience educational digital tools developed within the Erasmus+ and ESC programmes;
To engage participants in the further development of educational digital tools;
To develop digital competences of Youth Worker within the path of youth work recognition;
To challenge and inspire the educational practice of participants so that they feel ready to apply back home the learning outcomes of the Tool Fair;
To collect and disseminate innovative youth work methods;
To reflect and assess Youth Work practices and competences using European recognition tools;

The participants are expected to:
• be youth workers who would like to present a digital tool developed within their own organization;
• be willing to invest into their personal and professional development;
• be motivated to try out new methods and tools and apply them with their target groups;
• be a part of partner organization and not fished in the web;
• be fluent in English;
• be over 18 y.o.;
• fully participate for the whole duration of the project;
• be ready to engage actively in all physical and mental activities;
• be aware that youth worker training is not a holiday but a learning experience.

As a partner organization you are expected to:
• have the capacity to provide contribution to the timetable of activities;
• react to our emails and other types of communication in real time;
• provide a proper pre-departure training;
• be fully involved in the dissemination process in your Country.

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Project overview

Carpe DIEM! (Digital Innovation in Educational Methodologies) is a project by
Associazione InCo-Molfetta APS
taking place
from 2023-10-10 till 2023-10-16
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Innovation
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles
The participation is free of charge. There will be a selection process for participants interested in fully join the PDA (application form and interview).

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