Career Kickstart

Project Career Kickstart is for 15-20 y.o. youngsters. Project is focusing on hard and soft skills: management, english and digital skills, team work, etc.

Project Career Kickstart is for 15-20 y.o. youngsters. Project is focusing on hard and soft skills: management, english and digital skills, team work, communication, critical thinking.

Project has 6 main phases:
1st: English training (in every country separated)
2nd: Career training ( few days meeting in one of the partner's countries - What does career mean for you? How do you imagine your career? Why are skills important? etc. basics of management and digital skills)
3rd: Management skills training ( online non-formal course - meetings)
4th: Digital skills training (online lessons and few days meeting in one of the partners countries)
5th: project which can help to others (we will offer online mentorship for each participant)
6th: final meeting, presentation of work and evaluation ( few days meeting in Slovakia)

We need 8/9 participants from every country. We already complete our partner net with organizations from Poland, Czechia and Hungary

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Project overview

Career Kickstart is a project by
ADEL Slovakia
taking place
from 2024-10-01 till 2025-08-31
This project relates to:
Training and Networking, Capacity Building
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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