Capacity Building: Unleashing the Youth Worker

The project aims to launch, test and implement an innovative youth work curriculum, involving tools and non-formal learning methods.

We are preparing an application for Erasmus + and we are looking for partners from all over the world to join our project.

There will be 4 main activities:

2 mobility activities (7 days each) involving 2 or 3 experienced youth workers from each country, approaching the following topics:

a. Psychological empowerment, spiritual connection, physical training
b. Social activation, intellectual engagement and professional involvement

During these activities, the youth workers will design a non-formal curriculum for the personal development of youth and volunteers, using methods, tools, instruments from 6 areas: social, professional, physical, psychological, spiritual and intellectual.

1 mobility for youth workers (10 days) to pilot the non-formal curriculum in local community

Final conference to share and disseminate the results

If you want to join our partner group, please send us a description of your organisation, explaining your capacity in one or more of the 6 areas, your learning needs and your PIC code, until 6 March 2018, to

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Project overview

Capacity Building: Unleashing the Youth Worker is a project by
taking place
from 2018-11-01 till 2020-12-31
This project relates to:
Capacity Building
and is focusing on:
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Volunteering

Short URL to this project:

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