Call for 2 EVS volunteers from Portugal

Approved 10 months long EVS project in Macedonia for 2 volunteers from Portugal

This long-term EVS project aims to strengthen the international scope of the work of Roma Youth Centre (RYC) as well as providing a complex and sustainable learning opportunity for Roma and non-Roma youth in Portugal and Macedonia by involving 2 Portuguese volunteers in the activities of RYC.

The issue of Roma inclusion as the core of the work of RYC has a strongly European dimension and is directly connected to the promotion of the core European values of cultural diversity, social solidarity, human rights and combating racism. By involving Portuguese volunteers in the work with youngsters with fewer opportunities in Macedonia we aim to contribute to raising awareness of the mentioned values among young Europeans and at the same time bring the European experience and perspective to the local level.

Both Portuguese and local volunteers will benefit from this inter-cultural experience and together develop their self-esteem and ability of self-empowerment by experiencing active citizenship through their common engagement

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Project overview

Call for 2 EVS volunteers from Portugal is a project by
Roma Youth Centre
taking place
from 2015-03-15 till 2015-12-15
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Volunteering
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
The project can include young people who face: social, economic or cultural obstacles

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