Back to the roots!

We want to make a Project about where we come from! Using social media and culture, we want to explore Our past and see how it relates to Our lives today

"Back to Our roots" is a Project where we want to explore the past of Our countries.
Here in Norway, the vikings are a big part of Our lives. It has also inspired a lot of tales, books, films and TV-shows, and some of the stories are still popular today.
In Our town, the viking history is very important. The founder of Our city, Olav the sacred, was a viking, and a lot of Our history as a region was defined during the viking period.

We would like to explore Our past, and compare it to some historical period that has been important for Our partner country! And then be able to compare both where we came from and where we are today.

By using filmmaking, photography, theater and writing, we would like to make a Project where we invite you to visit us in Our viking-park in Our hometown and learn about the viking history of Norway. We will discuss and even try how it`s like living as a viking, and what sort of impact this has had on Norwegian history!

We would also like to visit you, to learn about Your countrys past, and to be able to experience some old culture from you.

Based on these two Exchanges, we would like to end up With a short film/posters/interviews/a play or some sort of Product that combines the two, compares them and also shows how this impacts the daily lives in Our countries today.

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Project overview

Back to the roots! is a project by
Sarpsborg kommune team barn og unge v/enhet kultur
taking place
from 2018-06 till 2018-11
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Drama and theatre
  • European citizenship
  • History
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Social media
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
A lot of Our youths comes from different and difficult backgrounds. Some of thema are imigrants, some of them have families With difficult economical situations, some of them have left School early and some of them have Limited English-skills and social skills.

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