Ancient Journey: Democracy and Citizenship

The Ideas of Antiquity, Cultural Identify of the Ancient Ages, It’s Heritage for Today and Intercultural Learning

Content: The Educational programme for the young and youth workers' goal is the young’s intercultural learning of art and history among cultural heritage within the 2018 European year of Cultural Heritage and 2018 Troy year.
Activities will make participants be in touch with nature and historical environment. To be in touch with nature and history, camping and outdoor activities will be realized, we aim to make participant have the opinion about European values, ancient democracy, multi-culturalism and active citizenship with activities in nature and historical places.
Homer and other ancient poets’ legends and stories will be conveyed to the participants with new methods, so the participant can corroborate how the concepts of democracy, participants and individualism have been developed and evolved with intercultural learning methods.
How will it be realized: Activities which will be realized in and around ancient cities intend to be in harmony with nature and to learn what we can do in return of our footprints on the ecosystem. Furthermore, developing attributes to know, protect, interiorize these places are aimed in this kind of country where the concepts of nature and cultural heritage are intertwined.
In the pursuit of these goals, methods like non-formal education techniques, the creative drama will be used, historical empathy will be conveyed to the participants with historical role-playing activities. All these activities will be helpful for the participants to feel nature, historical atmosphere, to contribute to it and not to remain insensitive. Responsibility for cultural heritage, nature and future will be the main emphasis of the project.
Academic and scientific activities, presentations and educations will be realized to advertise the region, Anatolian Historical heritage. At the end of the project, the participants are expected to feel responsible for cultural heritage, nature and culture of the region they do not know before. Raising awareness about active citizenship, democracy, European values on the purpose of sustainable nature, history and culture are intended.
• To enable integration of the participants with nature and Cultural Heritage
• To pave the way for the participants’s perception of sustainable nature and Cultural Heritage,
• To enable the participants to feel responsible for active citizenship and to raise their awareness,
• To improve local, national and international network and communication with each other,
• To create a platform on Ancient Greek democracy and European democracy. To plan activities about the concept of democracy.
• To enable the participants to discuss actively about historical facts. Thus, to enable the young and youth workers to convey,discuss and develop ideas about European values.
• Non-formal education techniques
• Activities which will contribute to the historical empathy of the participants through creative drama, role-playing, discussions etc.
• To raise awareness of the participants about nature with Nature Sport, Trekking, camping
• To raise awareness of the participants about art and history through artistic activities, historical tours.
• To support the abilities like teamwork and team awareness through the activities

Where will it be and when:
We organise our Project for July 2019, in Mount Ida. Mount Ida located in Edremit, Balıkesir in Turkey. Near of Troy, Assos and Ephesus.

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Project overview

Ancient Journey: Democracy and Citizenship is a project by
Sanat Tarihçileri Derneği/ Art Historians Association Turkey
taking place
from 2019-07-09 till 2019-07-17
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges, Training and Networking, Meetings between young people and decision-makers

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