
Welcome to Lithuania – the country with one of the highest alcohol consumption rates in the world.

We are looking for partners from ONLY identified countries. We will ignore emails from organisations which don't suit our identified partners profile.
MUTUAL PARTNERSHIP would be appreciated.

According to the Global status report on alcohol and health 2014 published by World Health Organization, Lithuania was in top 10, together with Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, Belarus by the alcohol consumption in the world. The situation hadn’t changed a lot during several years, and tendencies of alcohol consumption in these countries of Europe stays the same. Is it the thing we should be "proud of"? Or the problem to discuss and look for solutions?

These days youngsters are used to consuming alcohol during free time and very rarely it is seen as unappropriate thing. It has become a natural thing, a habit and youngsters tend not to notice how fast consuming alcohol becomes a usual part of their free time or even daily life.
This project and deeper discussion about alcohol consumption and refusing to do it – choosing life can not only raise awareness of youngsters and make positive impact to society, but also to help youngsters with fewer opportunities to integrate into economic and social life.

Project's objectives:
- To raise awareness about harmful consequences of alcohol consumption.
- To change attitudes towards alcohol consumption and create free time spending alternatives for participants and their local communities.
- To promote Erasmus+ programme and its objectives

If you would be interested to join, please send us email to with your PIF and answer couple questions:
1. What are your dissemination channels?
2. What are your organisation's needs in relation to project's topic.
3. Priority in partner selection will be given for the ones with mutual partnership proposal.
Looking forward to our collaboration!

This project has been viewed 210 times.

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Project overview

Alcohol-free is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2018-03-16 till 2018-03-23
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Health
  • Integration
  • Non-formal learning
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles

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