A project on Upcycling!!! Looking For NEW COMERS!! URGENT!!!

We buy countless products throughout our lives. We produce as much waste as we consume.

Every product and material we buy, from food waste to broken glasses and used napkins, ends its life in the trash. So where does this garbage go? They are either buried under the ground, destroyed by burning, or dumped into the oceans.

Alternative methods to recycling, which make the raw materials of the goods reusable in order to reduce waste, have also become very popular recently. One of them is upcycle. Upcycle is the reuse of an old and unused item by giving it a different function than its main purpose.

In this direction, the general aim of our project is to increase the awareness of young people and youth workers about upcycling and to contribute to the sustainability of Europe by providing them with practical skills that they can use in their own lives.

We are looking for NEW COMERS with NO EXPERIENCE in Erasmus. If so please send your PIF.

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Project overview

A project on Upcycling!!! Looking For NEW COMERS!! URGENT!!! is a project by
Tarzan Eğitim ve Gençlik Derneği
taking place
from 2023-09-01 till 2024-04-30
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Environment
  • Sustainable development

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