2013-23 UN Decade Rapprochement of Cultures - Setting up a Virtual Office, knowledge mgt strategy for yr organisation

Co-organize our EU award winning Training course on "Setting up a Virtual Office & collaboration tools,& knowledge management strategy for your organisation".

The logical framework, made up by Agenda21, the 17#GlobalGoals, the UN Calendar of Observances with a.o. 2013-2022 International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures
https://en.unesco.org/decade-rapprochement-cultures #RapprochementOfCultures Decade, requires to master skills that allow to work over the internet with partners who are not physically in the same place. Co-organize our EU award winning Training course on "Setting up a Virtual Office and knowledge management strategy for your organisation".
We propose a first part of the workshop to take place at the EU Capital of Innovation/Youth/Green/Sports, then a part off-line, then a part at our location in Brussels.

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Project overview

2013-23 UN Decade Rapprochement of Cultures - Setting up a Virtual Office, knowledge mgt strategy for yr organisation is a project by
EU & EU Diaspora Academy
taking place
from 2018-05-01 till 2023-02-01
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development

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