United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.)

United Societies of Balkans (USB) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Thessaloniki, Greece working in the field of youth mobility, participation and facilitating youth awareness about social issues.

It was founded in 2008 by the inception of a group of active young people who wanted to address the social issues which affect the youngsters in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. The vision of the organisation is the promotion of youth mobility, youth involvement and participation, voluntarism and human rights.

Key areas of the organization’s activities concern the defence of human rights, the organization of youth related projects such as youth exchanges and training courses, which can bring young people from Balkans and Europe together, and the organization of local interventions, seminars and multimedia productions. It envisions a global and inclusive society, where citizens are equally empowered to contribute in the shaping of a world with less prejudice, discrimination and other forms of injustice.

U.S.B.’s objectives and values are actualized in the society and the needs of the youngsters by:

• Promoting the values of non formal learning, voluntarism, active citizenship and democracy for the creation of a better future for the European youth;
• Promoting human rights, solidarity and respect for diversity amongst youth and the society;
• Involving minorities and immigrants into youth activities;
• Building healthy cooperation bridges between countries of the area of the Balkans and Eastern Europe with the rest of Europe;
• Using New Media and Citizens’ Journalism methodologies to encourage youth expression, to raise awareness about Human Rights and to promote intercultural dialogue;
• Utilizing arts as a tool for the cultivation and expression of youth;
• Locating and multiplying the special cultural attributes of our societies;
• Breaking down prejudices and stereotypes among the European countries and amongst youth.

United Societies of Balkans has been a member organization of FERYP(Forum of European Young People), UNITED for Intercultural Action, Salto-Youth, Thess Network-regional NGO network(coordinator), Anna-Lindh Foundation(co-head of the Greek National Network), Youth for Exchange and Understanding(YEU International), Butterfly Dreamer and DYPALL(Developing Youth Participation at Local Level).
United Societies of Balkans since 2008 has implemented and involved in many local and international activities, based on formal and non-formal education, by trying to underline the important role of experiential learning and non-formal education and to include tools and methods of the non-formal education to the mainstream education. Especially, under the new frame of “Erasmus+” the need of the society for the recognition of the non-formal education and the benefits that are coming through it is more obvious than ever.

The organization has a very rich experience in organizing international youth activities and gives the opportunity to local youngsters to meet and interact with other youngsters from Europe. It has implemented successfully more than 40 youth and other projects about many different subjects, having hosted more than 2,600 youngsters in Greece. The organization’s target group is youth between 16 to 30 years old, regardless of their educational, cultural, ethnic, etc. background and its activities are always based on the needs and interest of them and the society. Therefore, it has developed a very diverse and rich experience in youth work, having worked in different topics that have advanced its expertise in human rights education, intercultural learning, gender related issues, new media techniques, entrepreneurship, ecology and many more.

Moreover it has been involved in more than 1000 youth projects and has prepared and sent around 2,000 youngsters abroad to youth mobility projects. It tries always to give priority to youngsters with fewer opportunities, such as, Roma, LGBTI, immigrants, living in rural areas, from broke families, etc.

USB is also a very active organisation in the field of EVS. Since 2009 it has hosted 180 volunteers in projects of 10 months and has sent 30 volunteers abroad. The main tasks of the hosting project are connected with the new media and EVS volunteers run a web radio, e-television and e-magazine (Balkan Beats).

More information about the experience of the organization and the projects that has realized in the past can be found at www.usbngo.gr/en

United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) has 1 current projects:

  • Medi(a)tation

    "Medi(a)tation" is a project that has to do with fake news and digital education. Additionally, participant will gain communication skills.

    We're looking for:
    5 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-08-19 till 2024-08-30
    and relates to:
    Training and Networking
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.

Past projects

“War and Peace”

Based on Tolstoy’s famous literature,young people will come together in order to reflect on universal topics addressed in the book and create performances

“ToT CEFE (Creating Enterprises trough Forming Entrepreneurs), MEDA Version”

ToT CEFE (Creating Enterprises trough Forming Entrepreneurs), MEDA Version” Training Course, Action 3.1 Practical Knowledge on Boosting Entrepreneurship


MA.N.G.O. Management of N.G.O. Capacity building seminar for NGOs on topics:Leadership, Organizational Management and Youth Participation

Balkan Heart 3D

The program's thematic deals with the idea of using digital art forms as vessels for the exercise of critical thinking and social commentary


The project has the aim to understand and analyze the phenomenon of nostalgia through the different generations and nationalities of the former Yugoslavia

W.o.W. (War of Words)

The thematic of the project is the creation of a dialogue framed space will discuss about the online video gaming addiction disorder and its’ consequences.


new skills, attitudes and gain new knowledge and experience on how to use these methods in order to break the stereotypes and prejudices among Balkan countries

Increasing Youth Employment Opportunities

“Increasing Youth Employment Opportunities” is training course designed to strength the competences of youth workers for combating unemployment.

SOUL- School Of yo(U)ng Leaders

Thought to be an intensive training course on developing leaderships/training/facilitating skills for staff members of NGO’s working in the Youth sector

Balkan Hot Spot

We are offering hosting places for organisations around Europe that wants to become senting and coordinating organisations

URGENT! Call for partners for COFFEE - Colorful Fighters for European Empowerment

A project about youth organisations, in order to learn how to address and support LGBTI young people.

Keras Buki

The training on entrepreneurship of Roma “Keras Buki” that in Romani means “Lets Work” program has as aim to combat both discrimination and youth unemployment.

Training on Acceptance Minorities and Against Marginalization

Training-on-Acceptance-Minorities-and-Against-Marginalizationis a mobility of youth workers - Training course that is implemented by United Societies of Balkans

Boosters of Youth Employability

United Societies of Balkans is looking for partners for the project “Boosters of Youth Employability” that is planning to submit to Greek NA.

All bodies are equal!

Call for partners for All bodies are equal!

Keep it up! :)

United Societies of Balkans is looking for partners for the project “Keep it up..! :)” that is planning to submit to Greek NA.

Make your voice HeaRD: Youth workers as influencers for the promotion of Human Rights and Democracy

We are looking for partners only from Germany for an approved training course, which will be implemented in Thessaloniki, Greece during the summer of 2020

We are burning! // Partnership Building Activity

KA1 -Mobility of Youth workers: Partnership Building Activity, February 2020 deadline. “We are burning!” will be organised in Thessaloniki, in winter 2020.


The project #DEAFinition aims to promote the community of the Deaf and raise awareness about Sign Language, Deaf culture and the rights of the Deaf.

Welcome to the Adulthood

What does adult life mean, when is a young person called an adult? How do young people deal with the transitioning phase from adolescence into adulthood?

Football for All! - Call for partners (sports clubs)

Football for all is a community event with the aim to encourage integration between young people coming from different cultures through football.

Youth Exchange // Si - Da – Yes

USB is looking for partners for a project proposal for a Youth Exchange to be submitted to the Erasmus+ deadline of 7nd of May.

E+ Sports: Small Collaborative Partnership // Hayde D.A. (dance all)

USB is looking for partners from the Balkans, working in the fields of inclusion, inclusion through sports, promotion of healthy lifestyle and folklore dances.

E+ KA205 // E-Volunteering

Call for partners for a KA2, that is planning to submit to the Greek NA on R3 2020 deadline. The main theme of the project is online volunteering

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United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.)

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United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Greece (Thessaloniki)
  • Greece Thessaloniki
focused on
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Environment
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • LGBTQ issues
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sports
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) in 160 characters:

"U.S.B." was founded in Thessaloniki in 2008 to promote youth mobility, voluntarism, sports and society's sensitisation around social issues and human rights.

Partner connections

United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) has no connections so far.

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