Shynea Uganda

SHYNEA-UGANDA is an association of persons with spina bifida and Hydrocephalus and their care takers fully registered with government of Uganda REGISTRATION NUMBER: 11828 under the Non-Governmental Organizations ACT, CAP.113 and its current membership is 203. We are currently operate in 7 districts of the central region in Uganda.
Our Vision:
A platform where every individual with Spinabifida & Hydrocephalus (SBH) realizes their full potential.
The Mission:
To create and foster a co-operative network of various social agencies; to effectively influence policies, programmes and practices of government in order to holistically meet the needs of children and promote sustainable development.
a) Maximizing risk reduction of spina bifida and Hydrocephalus by supporting food fortification/folic acid supplementation campaigns/.
b) Developing skills and Building capacity of both support teams and primary members on prevention, management and sustainability
c) Creating and fostering a co-operative network of various social agencies as change agents to address and advocate for equal rights of people with spina bifida and Hydrocephalus.

We mainly engage in:
1.Awareness Creation about the prevention and management of the condition.
2.Capacity Building of primary members to equip them with skills to obtain resources, support and services. Under here, we do parenting skills training, home visiting to enhance parents abilities to support their children's development, social and life skills with the youths for independence, Nutrition and feeding training, and economic empowerment.
3. Advocacy and networking.

The Organisation reels on the following core values:
Value and Respect every person with or with out SBH
• Work for excellence in lives of people with SBH
• Accountable &Transparent to our stakeholders
• stimulate society’s perception, beliefs, practices, and attitudes of our members
• Use resources ethically, considerately and sensibly

Past projects

Promoting positive perceptions and greater social awareness towards persons with disabilities through Inclusion Clubs in Schools

Mitigating stigma/social exclusion of children with disability in mainstream primary schools (ages 6-12) through inclusion clubs that are pupil led in Uganda.

Innovative strategies to engage men in information access to inclusion

Engaging men in information access to enable them support access to care for children with disabilities

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Shynea Uganda is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in UGANDA (Kampala)
  • UGANDA Kampala
focused on
  • Children
  • Disability
  • Health
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Sustainable development
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Capacity Building
Shynea Uganda in 160 characters:

SHYNEA's goal is to improve the lives of spina bifida persons & their carers to promote sustainable development thru a cooperative network of social agencies.

Partner connections

Shynea Uganda has no connections so far.

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