Rete Europa 2020

Network Europe 2020 is a network of professionals, companies, associations created to seize the opportunities that Europe offers with European projects.

Rete Europa 2020 è una rete di professionisti, aziende, associazioni, uomini, donne e giovani che vogliono cogliere le tante opportunità che l'Europa ci offre attraverso la progettazione europea. Stiamo tentando un esperimento mai tentato prima " far divenire le tue idee progetto" ...

Past projects

interpersonal skills and work

one of the needs that young people have is to find ways of interpersonal relations from the perspective of future work

Just for Passion

Fully live their passions. Being able to express their talents. Vivere pienamente le proprie passioni. Riuscire ad esprimere i propri talenti.

Communication in the 2.0 era. Opportunities for dialogue and projects

Quality of communication for a free integration between peoples and a conscious "active citizenship" against type approval stereotypes fashion.

Siena like Europe

The project will involve a group of young people who are given the opportunity to experience the reality of the communities that make up a city such as Siena.

IRS – Innovation & Research Skills

We are looking for an University for alliance of knowledge. Cerchiamo Università per un alleanza della conoscenza.


Using Internet for a more effective communication, which develops awareness and initiative skill: the project is aimed at young people from 16 to 19 years old.


Exchange of good practices for the promotion of creativity in the inclusion and integration development of young people with disabilities.

the development of creativity linked to entrepreneurship in the areas of informal and non-formal education

we are preparing a project on the development of creativity linked to entrepreneurship in the areas of informal and non-formal education.


We look for partners who want: develop the project, share the innovative approach used for Alternanza Scuola Lavoro and implement and test APPskills

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Rete Europa 2020

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Rete Europa 2020 is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Italy
  • Italy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Rete Europa 2020 in 160 characters:

Network Europe 2020 is a network of professionals, companies, associations created to seize the opportunities that Europe offers with European projects.

Partner connections

Rete Europa 2020 has no connections so far.

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