Loesje Bitola

We aim to engage young people, towards active citizenship to promote inclusion and equality and to empower youth (especially from marginalized groups, Roma, LGBTIQ+, migrants, poor neighborhoods etc.).
For youth workers and teachers, we aim to provide possibilities for developing new skills and competencies and to improve their professional activity.

Our goal is to increase awareness in society about current challenges to equip young people, as well as youth workers, trainers and educators with different creative and innovative skills and competencies and to develop cooperation with local and national institutions and other non-governmental organizations.
Also in our plan for empowerment, we aim to increase the mobility of young people and youth workers through Erasmus+ experience.

The organization builds its strategy on the inclusive participation principle to involve young people with different backgrounds and opportunities.

Loesje Bitola is young but quite active. We pay great attention to the increase of our capacities by equipping our staff and target groups with knowledge, skills, and competencies which improve our personal and professional life as European citizens.

Based on the needs of our young people and youth workers, we cooperate internationally in different projects, mainly in the Erasmus+ program.

Internationally we bring and share our Loesje creative methodology: Loesje creative writing and School of Freedom. Since we are part of a big network, our role in the dissemination process internationally is significant.

We are also active locally and nationally and we are part of different programs and projects. We implement local empowerment and inclusion activities through our Loesje creative writing workshops.

On the national level, we cooperate with different stakeholders. With the Agency for Youth and Sport, we implemented projects about Inclusion, gender equality and youth activism in a pandemic. Our activities for raising awareness about gender equality were also supported by the Municipality of Bitola in 2021.
With the Foundation Open Society, we implemented a long-term national project about raising awareness for environmental issues.

Loesje Bitola key staff is people who possess experience, sensitivity, and passion for youth work. Our active youth workers implement different workshops and activities with young people and the community as a whole, focusing on marginalized people. People participating in this project will share info about the project they participate and will implement workshops/activities as multiplications in the Erasmus+ program. The people involved apart from their professional skills and competencies, possess also good personal characteristics. They are friendly, responsible, tolerant, able to work in big international teams, deal with deadlines, and are available for any kind of information.
In our organization when it comes to international partnerships, we have key staff that overtakes responsibility for preparing the group (participants, youth workers), monitoring the flow of the project, actively supporting dissemination and visibility of the project and supporting participants by implementing follow-up activities.

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Past projects

Sexuality education

Ability to make conscious decisions about sexuality and relationships, as well as well-being and health.

Partnership Building Activity

The aim of the Partnership Building Activity is to foster quality of partnership and implementation of long-term projects for newcomers and experienced NGO/s

Call for partners for different projects

Pool of partners - Loesje Berlin & Loesje Bitola open its pool of partners to choose the most suitable partners for the projects


Loesje Berlin, Loesje Bitola and Loesje Thessaloniki are looking for partners for several projects in the next deadline

Sexual Education

After successfully implementing the first project about Introduction to sexual education, Loesje Berlin will apply a row of trainings on "Sexual Education"

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 Loesje Bitola

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Loesje Bitola is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Republic of North Macedonia (Bitola)
  • Republic of North Macedonia Bitola
focused on
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Art
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • European citizenship
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
and interested in:
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
Loesje Bitola in 160 characters:

Loesje Bitola - our creative methodology can break the silence. Powerful, interactive, creative youth work makes active citizens.

Partner connections

Loesje Bitola has no connections so far.

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