Ligo Lex Legis

Ligo Lex Legis was created in 2008.

It was created by young students of Law faculty and it continued mostly with students activities in the beginning.

After a while it managed to organize public debated for different issues that was concerning Kosovo society, including the discussions for the Kosovo Constitution.

In the beginning of its era it started with two youth exchanges with Serbia, where we sent two groups of young students (Albanians) in Vojvodina, Serbia for a week in order to discuss different issues that was concerning both states, Kosovo and Serbia. Also Serbia students were coming in two groups in Prishtina to discuss issues of concern for both societies, starting from the status of Kosovo discussion until the integration of Kosovo and Serbia into EU and NATO. These four exchanges were very successful and somehow we managed to break down the stereotypes that we had for each other on that time. We wanted to continue further collaboration and continue with this kind of projects but as lack of funding we had to stop the project, but it was very well received from both sides Kosovo and Serbia students.

Being very active locally and also regionally, LEX managed to become an international player, by becoming member of TDM 2000 International as the first NGO from Kosovo, being a partner of such kind of International Network. We are still continuing to become member of this network and we are working together in order to expand our impact in our societies and share our each other experiences and get the best practice from each other.

Being partner of such a network, we had opportunity to start knowing the rules of Youth in Action and becoming partner in the beginning of different European organizations, which were applying under the YiA Programme and we managed to send in different training more than 100 Kosovo youngsters in different training sessions, youth exchanges and other projects that were organized by our partners in European Union and in the region as well.

Being a partner of different European organizations was meaning to get more practices and in that case we managed to start making projects in our own for Youth in Action Proramme. In the beginning we started to fail, but after getting some remarks from EACEA we managed to intervene in our projects and we managed to win two training sessions. We organized two projects in Kosovo and we brought different participants from very different states, including also participant from the countries which did not recognized Kosovo as a country yet. Those projects, one was for youth unemployment and human rights and the other was for religion were very successfully implemented, where we had a very prominent trainers, who did the training in a very professional way,, and as such were remembered and its impact was sent also in the countries, from where the participants were coming from.

Currently we have applied with different projects in some Embassies and organizations and also in the last Erasmus + call we applied with one project as well. Currently Ligo Lex Legis NGO, is a youth organization that is constantly expanding and looking for new opportunities to affect positively our community, as well as to advance the youth perspective by assisting them to benefit from different initiatives and programs including the Erasmus + Programme.
In addition to what is said, we have currently been selected as a contact point for Erasmus + Programme by SALTO SEE, and being a contact point means a lot for us as an organization and for Kosovo as well, having in mind that very low number of organizations in Kosovo are using the opportunities that is giving the Erasmus + Programme. Furthermore, we are working in the accreditation process for EVS (European Voluntary Service), in order to become a sending and hosting organization. This step would be an opportunity to share experiences with other countries as well as to promote Kosovo internationally, having in mind also the lack of opportunities of our youngsters to find theirself after their graduation the EVS can be a very good opportunity for them, knowing the fact the high unemployment rate in Kosovo.

Being a contact point of SALTO SEE for Erasmus + Programme for Kosovo is also a very big responsibility for us, as we have to work more in this regard, in order to give our best for other Kosovo NGOs, which wants to apply for Erasmus + Programme. We will have to organize trainings and workshops and permanently have staff within our organizations, who will have to be ready and open for any question regarding this programme.

This year we are working in initiating projects that deal with civil society inclusion, equal rights promotion, employment of people with special needs, and voluntarism (as there is a lack of the voluntarism habit in our youth, practicing voluntarism would help to build professionally and in a personal level, as well as it would contribute in the well-being of our society).

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Ligo Lex Legis is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION (Pristina)
focused on
  • Conflict management
  • European citizenship
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • LGBTQ issues
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Religion and beliefs
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Ligo Lex Legis in 160 characters:

Ligo Lex Legis was created in 2008. It was created by young students of Law faculty and continued to mostly work with students. Now is working with Youth.

Partner connections

Ligo Lex Legis has no connections so far.

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