Keçiören Patriot Martyr Major General Aydoğan Aydın Science High School

We are an institution that raises individuals who take into account other development areas along with academic skills, are sensitive to individual differences, are open to scientific and technological developments, embrace cultural values, interpret life morally and rationally, and add value to their environment and country.

Keçiören Patriot Martyr Major General Aydoğan Aydın Science High School has 1 current projects:

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Keçiören Patriot Martyr Major General Aydoğan Aydın Science High School

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Keçiören Patriot Martyr Major General Aydoğan Aydın Science High School is

a Public Body
based in Turkey (Ankara)
  • Turkey Ankara
focused on
  • Children
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • Human rights
  • Peace and conflict
  • Policy-making
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Strategic Partnerships
Keçiören Patriot Martyr Major General Aydoğan Aydın Science High School in 160 characters:

To develop the existing capacities of the students in all areas, especially in basic sciences.

Partner connections

Keçiören Patriot Martyr Major General Aydoğan Aydın Science High School has no connections so far.

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