KAS Youth Hub

Our Mission is to encourage the voices of our youth to be heard. We strive to establish youth-driven social, experiential, academic activities and provide opportunities for young people and young adults to become active members in their community. Through our programs we endeavour to foster a healthy self-image and encourage positive decision-making.

Our activities recognize young people and young adult achievements and rewards them for their involvement in our events, activities and services projects; as well as supporting, motivating and giving them a positive informal experience of learning. In addition, we help improve their everyday life skills, by recognizing 'soft skills' like timekeeping, teamwork and voluntary work.

The mission of KAS Youth Hub is the pursuit of the following principles:
• Commitment: KAS Youth Hub wants to inspire pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and instill a sense of hope in the future.
• Responsibility: The focus of KAS Youth Hub is to empower youth in establishing goals and following through on commitments.
• Possibility: KAS Youth Hub wants to expand the perspective of young people to make them aware of life's possibilities.
• Support: An individual is dramatically influenced by their support system. KAS Youth Hub wants to surround young people in a caring, inclusive learning environment.

Our dynamic support, contributes towards a profile of young people and young adult that stem from diverse backgrounds, facing various obstacles (educational difficulties, cultural differences, social, economic and geographical obstacles). These youths are disproportionately likely to grow-up in poor, disadvantaged homes characterized by high levels of psychosocial stressors and inadequate supportive resources.

Our objectives are to:
1. Create possibility for young people in the community.
2. Provide equal opportunity to boost their confidence and self esteem.
3. Present an open platform to raise money for youth workshops/programmes.
4. Provide a place for talented young people to showcase their creations.
5. Generate opportunity for youth to socialize in a friendly environment.
6. Increase the awareness of Companies involvement with young people.

Our experience in collaborating on a Local, National and International level with youth organizations and other companies, has motivated youth related workshops; due to the mixture of youth activities. Our partners in Europe and the USA, makes it extremely beneficial as we participate in non-formal programmes and activities.

KAS Youth Hub encourage Intercultural learning of young people, as we explore other opportunities across Europe, to increase the awareness for young people's involvement with European Volunteer Services; as this will help, not just on a diverse and cultural level; but on an intellectual and International ethos of change.

Young people are too often excluded from or overlooked in the decision-making processes that directly impact their lives and communities. The world at present can be a confusing place for young people growing into young adults. We believe that it is our combined accountability to make available tools to equip and educate the young people to take action.

Social integration is the quality of their relationship within their society and community. Integration is therefore the extent to which people feel they have something in common with others, who represent their social reality in their neighborhood; as well as the feeling of belonging in their communities and society. Social acceptance is the understanding of society through the character and qualities of other people as a generalized category.

Individuals who illustrate social acceptance trust others, think that others are capable of kindness, and believe that people can be productive. Socially accepting people hold favorable views of human nature and feel comfortable with others. Social contribution is the assessment of an individual social value. It consists of the principle that they are a vital member of society, with somewhat of value making a contribution to the world. Social contribution looks at the notion of efficacy and responsibility.




Possibility is the chance of something’s happening, regardless of whether or not it actually occurs; whether real or personal. Possibility is something that may be true or might occur, or something that can be chosen from among a series of choices. Possibility also refers to something that "could happen", that is not excluded by the facts, but usually not apparent. Possibility is the condition or fact of being possible.


An occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something. It is a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something, it also present a good chance for advancement or progress. We use opportunity to talk about a situation in which we can do something that we want to do.


An experience can be an:
• Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill.
• knowledge or practical wisdom gained from the process or fact of personally observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as they occur in the course of time, which leaves an impression on someone.
• The totality of the cognition's given by perception; all that is perceived, understood, and remembered
• Practical contact with and observation of facts or events.
• The apprehension of an object, thought, or emotion through the senses or mind.

Past projects

Make your Employability Perspectives a reality

New vacancy for long term EVS volunteers

The 21St Century Grassroots Art

The use of creative arts is a proven way to promote wellbeing.

Fashion setting the standard (Culture on display)

Fashions open the gates for Cultural Heritage and Cultural activities...

Youth involvement in advocacy for youth EQUITY

Through the “Youth involvement in advocacy for youth EQUITY” Project, we aim to raise the youth awareness.

Entrepreneurship ‘Youth can do it’

The needs of youth innovation because to step out from unemployment, it is important to develop the entrepreneurship values among youth.

The world of artists (Youth exhibition)

The aims of the “world of artists (Youth exhibition)” project are significant to the need for tolerance and peaceful values among youth and citizens.

“The SHAPE breakers"

The project “The SHAPE breakers” we can achieve in the creation of values based on tolerance and also we can decrease the level of prejudices of among youth.

Youth Step Out

Through this project, it is aimed to eradicate the “labels” of stereotypes with the aim that they will not affect into their lives or relationships.


“Trendsetters” project aims to connect young people who are keen on art, fashion, clothes design, and marketing.

Y(OUR) Culture

Young people have an essential position in the development and promotion of the culture, including the values of tolerance and respect.

This profile has been viewed 1215 times.
KAS Youth Hub

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KAS Youth Hub is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in United Kingdom (croydon)
  • United Kingdom croydon
focused on
  • Art
  • Entrepreneurship
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
KAS Youth Hub in 160 characters:

KAS (Key Assured Sound) Youth Hub is a charity that supports young people and young adults from age 12 to 30.

Partner connections

KAS Youth Hub has no connections so far.

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