International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO

International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO
Our most important action is the creation of many projects. All of these projects are born as a way to observe and analyze some relevant topics, such as Disability, European Citizenship, Health, Intercultural Dialogue, Leadership, Media and Communication, Sport and Youth Policy. Our main goal, when developing a new project, is to help spreading the voice and ideas of young people
We're Ready For

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Past projects

Learn, Move on, Save life!

As risky conditions emerge all the time and we need to take emergency actions, it is a necessity for people to receive first aid training.

Donate Life, Live Twice

We target to raise awareness about organ donation and spread it among young people.

Shot The Disability (Sho+Ed)

Training of trainers about shooting will be organized in order to improve individual capacity of youth workers working with disadvantaged groups.

The Story of Meerschaum

Training of trainers about meerschaum crafts will be organized in order to improve individual capacity of youth workers working with disadvantaged groups.

Updated 25/01/2019- (FreeTime=ActiveLife)Create Club Enjoy Your Time

Project aims to increase the quality of spending free time and to include the club activities in the lives of young people who are experiencing inactivity.

KA - 204 Salvation Village(about alcohol and drugs addict)

KA 204 - The subject of project; Alcohol and drug dependence is a good observation of people's rehabilitation.

Want to be hosting partner of ESC11 Volunteering

We wrote our ESC11 project to improve the personal, social and professional skills of our volunteers. We are looking for organizations to host our volunteers.

ESC Volunteer

We are looking for 2 volunteers for 12 months under ESC in Eskişehir, Turkey.

Rural Youth Exchange Fest

To reduce the youth unemployment rate by enabling young people in rural areas who face difficulties to develop individual initiatives and lifelong work skills.

Don't Be Addicted

We plan to make a project which provides comfort zone discarding electronic devices to build strong communication with peer to peer method amongst young people

Clothes Bank

This is already approved project. Just looking for volunteers.

II. Rural Youth ExchangeFest 2022

7-Days Rural Festival for Young People


SOCIOUS is a 10 days youth exchange. It's about socıal entrepreneurship. It's going to be held in Eskişehir, TURKEY.

Volunteering Host organization wanted

We are looking for hosting partners for already granted short term volunteering project.

KA 2 Strategic Partnership Applicant Organization Wanted

The project is about GDPR. We are looking for applicant organization. İf you interested please contact.

Young Chefs - My Future My Kitchen

Developing food literature of young people, healthy eating, healthy food, hygiene and sanitation, food competition, intercultural interaction and more ...

Go Offline, Feel Alive 2

This Project aims to show the young people that there are plenty of things that they can do beside using technology all day.

Empowerment of young people with fewer opportunities within the context of entrepreneurship KA210 YOU

Empowerment of young people with fewer opportunities within the context of entrepreneurship KA210 YOU

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International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO

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International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
  • Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
focused on
  • Disability
  • European citizenship
  • Health
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Leadership
  • Media and communication
  • Sports
  • Urban/rural development
  • Volunteering
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships
International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO in 160 characters:

PRODER is a non-governmental organization established in a beautiful city in the middle of Turkey, Eskişehir. Supports for sustainable world.

Partner connections

International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO has no connections so far.

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