Gentle Giant

Established in 2014 in Ardea, a town close to Rome. We are active in the Youth mobility since 2014. Our fields of interests are Erasmus+ KA1 and KA3.
We carried out untill now 13 projects as applicant, 8 as co-applicant and 2 as host organization.
We have been partner in more than 40 Erasmus+ projects.

We have a youtube channel (
Facebook page ( and Istagram ( where share and spread our initiatives.

Hottest topics: Inter-religious dialogue, communism (yeah, as far as we know, we were the first in Europe to write an carried out a project about this theme!), democracy, active citizenship, food and environment.

Our target group is 18-30

Always avaiable for new partnership and willing to develope new ideas to help young people and the comunity.
We are professional, fast and rapid answer, never missed a call as sending, high quality participants.
Please, if you wanna contact us, mention you found us on Salto!

Gentle Giant has 1 current projects:

  • Culinary crossroads

    Does your organization have anything to do with food? then join us!

    We're looking for:
    3 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2025-04-08 till 2025-04-15
    and relates to:
    Youth Exchanges

Past projects

Be active, be european!

A project focussed to develop active citizenship attitude through youngs.

Citizen of Europe today

The goal is to increase young people with greater civic sense in their local communities.

The colors of religions

We decided to carry out this project to try to enjoy and appreciate the true meaning of religious cults. From Islam to Orthodox, through the Yazidi.

Once upon a time

Communism in Erasmus+? why not... (peraphs the first one in Europe with this topic).

The colors of religions – Meeting in the Caucasus

The objectives that the association aims to achieve are: the development of a mutual understanding, tolerance and brotherhood trough religions and theatre.

No plastic, better life

We want to carry out this project to educate and raise awareness of young people living in our communities about the environmental problems.

Culture goes through the stomach

Y.E about the food! We are looking for 3 more partners from programme country (except Turkey and Romania, we already have them).

This profile has been viewed 1384 times.
Gentle Giant

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Gentle Giant is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Italy
  • Italy
focused on
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • European citizenship
  • History
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Policy-making
  • Religion and beliefs
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Gentle Giant in 160 characters:

Since 2014. Experiences in KA1 as applicant,sending and host organization. Topics: inter-religious, democracy/politic, food, active citizenship and environment.

Partner connections

Gentle Giant has no connections so far.

Short URL to this project:

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