Ganja State University

Ganja State University was officially started its activity on 01 of April in 1938 with 23 teachers and 244 students like Institution. On June 13, 2000 the President of Azerbaijan renamed the institute to Ganja State University.
Currently, there are 8 faculty departments and 10 offices at the university. It provides Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral degrees.
The International Relations department provides information and assistance to international students, faculty members and researchers. It also establishes links between with foreign universities, research institutes and centers around the globe. Our department offers advice and services to all international students and scholars. It provides opportunities for academic members and students to participate in international conferences, seminars and workshops. It also enjoys close relationships with many international associations and cooperates which offering its services for joining to the conferences, membership with an international associations. Main priority of the International Relations Department is to make International Cooperation, International Conferences, Scholarship and Scientific Missions in a high level. We have collboration with Eropean Unioun via Erasmus Mundus and Tempus programms. Besides, cooperation with French Embassy Cultural department, DAAD organization, TASIS program (Learning European languages)and with Nottingem Trend University of England. With making collaboration Ganja State University won the international grands and find the ground to organize different projects (ACİ-YF, Visgrad found etc.).

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Ganja State University

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Ganja State University is

a Public Body
based in Azerbaijan (Ganja)
  • Azerbaijan Ganja
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Ganja State University in 160 characters:

Name: Ganja State University Established date: 01.04.1938 Faculties: 8 Departments: 10 Provides: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees.

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Ganja State University has no connections so far.

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