Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy

PIC number : 919605591
Contact: fhird.contact@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +21658973399
Twitter : @institut_fhird
Skype : institut.fhird
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fhird.tn/
Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy (FHIRD) is an independent non-profit international Tunisian NGO based in Tunis. It is an academic body of research that works at the both national and international levels in fields such as research, training, consultancy in issues of media, democracy and politics as well as democratic changes. In order to reach our goals, we are willing to work with different research and scientific bodies, governmental and non govermental organizations and associations that show similar interests and specialities according to the requirements of these domains. Our institute publishes research studies and reports, organises trainings, conferences and workshops that are open to experts and common people. The institute also organises and supervises an annual polls project as part of our attempt and contribution in facilitating the democratic process and helping in the establishment of democratic institutions.
It is an initiative developed by a group of Tunisian young civil society activists, teachers and thinkers

Fields of work :

Democracy/Active citizenship
Human rights / Child Rights
Women rights .
Conflict resolution
Intercultural dialogue
Religious harmony
Research and studies
Culture and art
Non - formal education
Youth policy
Gender equality
Policy Papers

Istitut Farhad Hached pour les Recherches et Democracie est une organization Tunisienne internationale, independente, non-lucratif, non-gouvernementale et installée à Tunis. C’est une organization academique qui travaille sur le niveau local ainsi que international dans les domaines de recherches, études, formations, conseils dans tout ce que media, democratie, changement politique et democratique, etc.
Pour realiser ses buts, notre institut travaille en collaboration avec les organismes scientifiques de recherches et les organizations gouvernementales et non-gouvernementales qui ont des intérêts et des specialités communs selon les critéres est les conditions des ces domaines.
Notre institut publie aussi des recherches, etudes et rapports , ainsi que organise des formations, conferences et des workshops dirigés pour les specialistes et l’opinion publique. L’institut aussi supervise un projet annuel de sondage pour faciliter le processus de la transition democratique et developper les institutions democratiques.
La creation de cet institut fait partie d’une initiative par un groupe de jeunes Tunisiens qui sont principalement des acteurs de la societé civile.

Nos domaines de travail sont :

- La democratie et la citoyenneté active.
- La resistane du corruption et la discrimination basé sur la race, religion et sexe.
- Droits d’hommes.
- Droits de la femme .
-La promotion de la culture de la paix.
-La résolution des conflits et la rejection de la culture de violence, l’haine et la discrimination.
-Le dialogue inter-culturel et inter-religieux.
-L’harmonie religieuse.
Das Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy (FHIRD) ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige international tunesische Nichtregierungsorganisation mit Sitz in Tunis. Es ist ein akademisches Forschungsinstitut, das sowohl auf nationaler als auch internationaler Ebene im Bereich Forschung, Weiterbildung, Beratung, Medien, Demokratie, Politik und demokratischer Wandel arbeitet. Um unsere Ziele zu erreichen, arbeiten wir mit verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen und Forschungsinstituten zusammenebenso wie mit Regierungsbehörden, NGOs und Vereinen, die ähnliche Interessen verfolgen und entsprechende Spezialisierungen aufweisen.
Unser Institut veröffentlicht wissenschaftliche Studien und Berichte, organisiert Weiterbildungen, Konferenzen und Workshops, die sowohl Experten als auch der breiten Öffentlichkeit offenstehen. Das Institut führt im jährlichen Rhythmus ein Umfrageprojekt durch und betreut dieses als Teil der Bemühungen, den demokratischen Prozess und den Aufbau demokratischer Institutionen voranzutreiben.
Es ist eine Initiative, die von einer Gruppe junger tunesischer AktivistInnen, LehrerInnen und Intellektueller aus der Zivilgesellschaft entwickelt wurde.

Campi di lavoro:

-Democrazia / Cittadinanza attiva.
-Anticorruzione / discriminazione
-Diritti umani
-Diritti delle donne.
-Promozione della pace.
-Risoluzione dei conflitti
-Dialogo interculturale.
-Armonia religiosa

معهد فرحات حشاد للبحوث و الديمقراطية ، منظمة تونسية دولية مستقلة غير ربحية و غير حكومية مقرها تونس العاصمة. هي منظمة أكاديمية بحثية تعمل على الساحة الوطنية والعربية و الدولية في مجال البحوث والدراسات والتدريب والاستشارات في قضايا الإعلام والديمقراطية والتحول السياسي والديمقراطي. ويتعاون المعهد في سبيل تحقيق أهدافه مع كافة الجهات البحثية والعلمية ومع المنظمات و الهياكل الحكومية وغير الحكومية التي تشترك معه في مجالات اهتمامه واختصاصاته وفق الأسس المعمول بها في مثل هذه الجهات والمجالات. ينشر المعهد أبحاثاً ودراساتٍ وتقارير كما يدير عدة برامج مختصة ، ويعقد مؤتمراتٍ وورشات عمل وندوات موجهة للمختصين ، وللرأي العام العربي أيضاً ، و يشرف المعهد على برنامج سنوي لاستطلاع الرأي العام لتسهيل عملية الانتقال الديمقراطي وبناء المؤسسات الديمقراطية .
يأتي تأسيس هذا المعهد ضمن مبادرة يقوم بها مجموعة من الشبان التونسيين من نشطاء في المجتمع المدني و مفكرين

تتمثل مجالات عملنا في :

- الديمقراطية و المواطنة الفاعلة
- مقاومة الفساد و التعصب و التمييز العنصري و الديني و النوعي .
- حقوق الإنسان .
- حقوق المرأة .
- ترويج ثقافة السلم و السلام .
- حل النزاعات و نبذ ثقافة العنف و الكراهية و التعصب .
- حوار الثقافات و الأديان .
- لتوافق الديني
L'Istituto per la Ricerca e la Democrazia di Farhat Hached : è un'organizzazione non governativa tunisina, indipendente, non-profite internazionale con sede a Tunisi. E' un organo accademico di ricerca che opera al livello nazionale e internazionale in settori come ricerca, formazione, consulenza in problemi dei media, democrazia e politica, così come i cambiamenti democratici, Al fine di raggiungere i nostri obiettivi, siamo disposti a lcollaborare con differenti organi scientifici e di ricerca , organizzazioni e associazioni governative e non governative chemostrano interessi e specialità simili secondo i requisiti di questi domini.
Il nostro istituto pubblica studi di ricerca e rapporti, organizza corsi di formazione, conferenze e workshop (che sono) aperti a espertie gente comune.
L'istituto organizza e supervisiona anche un progetto annuale di sondaggi come parte del nostro tentativo e contributo nel facilitare il processo democratico e nell'aiutare la creazione di istituzioni democratiche.
E' un'iniziativa promossa da un gruppo di giovani attivisti della società civile tunisina, da insegnanti e pensatori.

Campi di lavoro:

-Democrazia / Cittadinanza attiva.
-Anticorruzione / discriminazione
-Diritti umani
-Diritti delle donne.
-Promozione della pace.
-Risoluzione dei conflitti
-Dialogo interculturale.
-Armonia religiosa

Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy has 1 current projects:

  • Let's talk about migration

    A guidebook throughout the training, each participant will contribute to the elaboration of a guidebook of good practices and advocacy tools.

    We're looking for:
    6 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-08-01 till 2024-10-16
    and relates to:
    Training and Networking, Strategic Partnerships

Past projects

P.E.A.C.E 2016 (Partnership, Education and Active Citizenship in North Africa, Tunisia )

The project gathers youth together in North Africa, Tunisia to work on the topic of youth employment in order to enhance skills and knowledge in work

Local Democracy

This project aim to increase the interest toward the local authorities and them role in to improve the democracy in Tunisia.

looking for hosting EVS volunteers in Tunisia

Call for hosting Short term EVS Project in Tunisia. Spring - Autumn 2018.

Let's talk about migration

A guidebook throughout the training, each participant will contribute to the elaboration of a guidebook of good practices and advocacy tools.

This profile has been viewed 1533 times.
Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy

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Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Tunisia
  • Tunisia
focused on
  • Children
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Religion and beliefs
  • Volunteering
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy in 160 characters:

Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy (FHIRD) is an independent non-profit international Tunisian NGO based in Tunis.

Partner connections

Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy has no connections so far.

Short URL to this project:


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