The association CUCINA SENZA FRONTIERE born in April of 2013 by the will of some young people to practice their skills to establish a voluntary association dedicated to cooking. The purpose of the association is to promote, inform and educate citizens about the world of culinary culture and international food, as a force for enhancing the process of cultural integration among peoples. "Cooking and food" must be understood in its global significance, with regard to the environment and lifestyles that support a 'healthier eating and critical and sustainable exploitation of resources.

"Cooking and food" should be understood as a tools to support concrete actions related to issues such as food security, the development of innovative methodologies and environmentally sustainable. "Food and Cooking" intended as a guarantee of the right to food, the right to have a minimum supply base for the less advantaged countries and for the poor. Cooking should be understood, finally, as a tool to reduce food waste, promoting a policy of "conscious" consumption that aims to consumption of healthy products and in support of all those industries for a "green economy."

In addition to the topics described what is even more significant, among the aims of the association is the promotion of European mobility of young people interested in issues of CUCINA SENZA FRONTIERE, in order to give everyone the chance to experience new cultures and international traditions, to enrich their culture and at the same time promoting mobility, through EU funding, as a tool to combat youth unemployment, a problem that still plagues most young people in Europe.

Past projects

Dreaming a Green Europe

“Dreaming a Green Europe”- trilateral exchange-action 1.1- Yia Programme

"Melting Cook"

The youth exchangewill take place in Palermo in May-June 2015. KEY WORDS: European traditions and cultures, integration and immigration, food and health.

This profile has been viewed 352 times.

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a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Italy (Bagheria/Palermo)
  • Italy Bagheria/Palermo
focused on
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • European citizenship
  • Health
  • Human rights
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
CUCINA SENZA FRONTIERE in 160 characters:

The voluntary association was founded in 2013 to act, to promote and to inform about the importance of food and cooking in it global importance.

Partner connections

CUCINA SENZA FRONTIERE has no connections so far.

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