Club is the largest Spanish company in summer camps and educational leisure for children from 7 to 17 y.o.

Our selection of camps provides the best standards of quality, safety and guarantee in tuition, facilities, activities, professional staff (qualified instuctors, bilingual personnel, etc.), handicapped accessibility, etc.

Club offers you 700 products (language, multisport, multiadventure, culture, science, nature, music, theatre, sports technification , language immersion campus, (DELE certification, etc.) in Spain, with the highest parameters mentioned before.

Club offers a complete programme for your school:
End of school year trip, Graduation trips, Summer holidays, Winter holidays, Long weekends, Special events (School Anniversary, Alumni meetings, etc.).

Also products for adults, professionals or companies: Locations and accommodation for seminars,team building, product presentations, etc.

We are completely open to other projects presented by organizations looking for strategic partners in Spain.

Our main strength is Spain. You can develop any project in our premises and facilities all year long.

Of course, if required, you can count on our team of professionals, as well.

Contact us and you will find what you need.

Past projects

Children Social Work and victims of Gender Violence

Help and integration of the children who have been victims of Gender-Based Violence at home.

Early School Leaving

Support and reintegration for teenagers who have left school.

Victims of School Harassment

Help and integration of the children who have been victims of Bullying at school.

Children in Specific Educational Support Programmes

Support and reintegration for pupils whose school performance is both much higher, or much lower than the rest of their group.

This profile has been viewed 481 times.

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a Other
based in Spain
  • Spain
focused on
  • Children
  • Disability
  • European citizenship
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sports
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships in 160 characters:

Club is the largest Spanish company in Summer Camps and Educational Leisure for children from 7 to 17 years old.

Partner connections has no connections so far.

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