Chitalishte (Community Center) Iskra 1964 - Sofia, Bulgaria

«Iskra-1964" is an association with a very rich cultural and social life, a real center of spirituality, that gives hope to youth in Sofia area and create dozens of activities that are implemented not only in Sofia but in many other Bulgarian towns. We have fantastic choir, 2 orchestra and club "Health", great library and many education activities for young people. For nearly 50 years the community center provides social, culture and health support for people of different ages. The main objectives are: development and enrichment of social and educational activities of people, raising the awareness of the population, including modern education.
The mission of the Chitalishte (Community Center) Iskra is oriented toward preserving the native tradition and its entry into the modern world. Iskra arrange education of factories in textile art and ceramics, students study technologies weaving techniques "batik" and "patchwork", painting on silk, ceramic sculpture, painted ceramics.
The most popular parts of "Iskra" are ensemble "Ilinden" and mandolin orchestra. Conductor of mandolin orchestra is Sylvia Statkova. In Iskra orchestra play some of the best mandolonists in the country with big experience of participating in various international concerts. In orchestra stringed instruments successfully are supplemented by wind, this create an innovative sounding works. Mandolin Orchestra gave concerts at a professional level in the hall "Bulgaria" Hall № 7 in the NPC Central Military Club Hall "Sofia", the Union of Bulgarian Composers, Art Gallery, American University in Bulgaria Museum "The earth and the people" as well as concerts in the country.
The ensemble “Ilinden” performs mostly authentic and processed songs from all areas of Bulgaria. There are songs and original arrangements written specifically for Ilinden choir and orchestra. Director and conductor of the ensemble is Svetoslav Baltakov. Performances of the ensemble has enjoyed audiences at home and abroad: Greece, Italy, Belgium, Tunisia, Canada, Russia, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania. There is released an audio cassette and CD.
"Iskra" seeks to develop modern institutional culture that helps us in the search for new partners and establishing contacts with other institutions. Such contacts were established with the municipal government in the town of Dimitrovgrad, the National Library "Detko Doe", City Art Gallery, Center for Culture, the city schools.
Two years consecutively "Iskra" open days of European cultural heritage in Tsaribrod in Serbia.

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Chitalishte (Community Center) Iskra 1964 - Sofia, Bulgaria is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Bulgaria (Sofia)
  • Bulgaria Sofia
focused on
  • Art
  • Children
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Integration
  • Leadership
  • Music
  • Social media
  • Sustainable development
  • Volunteering
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Chitalishte (Community Center) Iskra 1964 - Sofia, Bulgaria in 160 characters:

Chitalishte Iskra 1964-Sofia, Bulgaria is NGO with art, culture, education, youth, social and health activities

Partner connections

Chitalishte (Community Center) Iskra 1964 - Sofia, Bulgaria has no connections so far.

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