Asociatia "Centrul de excelenta in dezvoltare personala SOLOMON"

Association "Centre of Excellence in Personal Development SOLOMON" is a non-governmental and non-profit organization who decided to get involved in education and culture activities in Brasov county area.

The vision that led to this decision is the following: people who have a complete culture and education are few. However, everybody else report to them. Our vision is: those who want to become a name in society, should have access to education as complete as possible. Today we no longer believe that this is possible only by means used so far. There are alternatives, and one of them is through non-formal education and cultural exchanges. This is reason why we trust that education can open youth another development plan and to make possible a proper career potential they have.

For this vision we will make every effort in order to become the best and most trusted providers of personal development programs and services in the sphere of culture and education to achieve excellence.

Our mission is to multiply excellence. To make fulfill, we contribute to personal and professional development of youth, we give people the resources to develop, experiment and live their ideas, dreams, passions. This mainly through non-formal services, so that they will be able to build a career, a life that corresponds to their potential.

In respect to this idea we will:
1. Create a strategic network to stimulate the exchange of ideas and information, intellectual values and models of good practice
2. Promote the best values, practices and principles that govern a democratic society
3. Cooperate with authorities, NGO’s and companies involved in youth activities and projects

Our objective in the medium term and short is to become known as an organization fighting for quality education to be accessible to all members of society, regardless of age, race, religion, economic power. In the long term we want our activities one of the engines of change mindsets about how we can make this education.

Our NGO is a full member of the federation VOLUME – “Federation which support the development of volunteering in Romania®”.

The Association is AWARD unit of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Romania.

Our association is active and interested in the following areas:
-ERASMUS+: Youth exchanges, mobility programs for youth workers, training courses, job shadowing programs
-ERASMUS+: Strategic partnership
-Job Shadow
-Training programs in education, leadership
-Healthy lifestyles, travelling and sports programs
-Local community development programs
-International Cooperation Programs

Past projects

Do it non-formal!

The purpose of this project is to provide a framework for learning and testing non-formal education methods.

Welcome into a multicultural Europe

What are the reasons for forgetting art, customs and traditions? Why do discrimination based on religious orientation, ethnicity or cultural preferences occur?

A breath of life

The pollution of the environment, remain one of the most common problems in today's Europe.

Be Healthy, Be Happy !

Nowadays life has brought up many changes in nutrition and physical activity of individuals. We want to promote a healthy lifestyle and outdoor activities.

Architecture for I.M.P.A.C.T.

This youth exchange is focused on developing new core competencies and aims to provide the details necessary to understand the basic concepts of architecture .

Today's partnerships 4 tomorrow's leaders!

Partnerships - a key to develop new projects.

Play 2 Learn

Learning through Game Simulations

Refugee – Religion and Stereotypes - do we really understand them?

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee from his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence.

NEW BRIDGES: Strong Partnerships for Strong NGO's

We want to develop projects and to create partnerships with reliable organizations for the following years(2017-2020)


Youth participation in the democratic life of the Union is an area for discussion and reference point for a variety of measures and policies .

Understanding Risk Management on Youth projects

For a project with young people, the risk assessment process can be difficult, and the theoretical methods do not always provide practical solutions to problems

EASY – EntrepreneuriAl Skills for You(th)

Simulation of economic situations for increasing entrepreneurial skills and understanding of social entrepreneurship in youth projects

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Asociatia "Centrul de excelenta in dezvoltare personala SOLOMON"

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Asociatia "Centrul de excelenta in dezvoltare personala SOLOMON" is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Romania (Brasov)
  • Romania Brasov
focused on
  • Art
  • Children
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Conflict management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Urban/rural development
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships
Asociatia "Centrul de excelenta in dezvoltare personala SOLOMON" in 160 characters:

We want to give people the resources to live their dreams, transforming passions in their personal development engine, all with integrity and responsibility.

Partner connections

Asociatia "Centrul de excelenta in dezvoltare personala SOLOMON" has no connections so far.

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