Asociația Secular-Umanistă din România

The Secular-Humanist Association in Romania is a non-profit, independent, non-government association founded in March 2010.
Since its foundation, ASUR’s aim has been to popularize science education, human rights and critical thinking. Thus, during the 10 years of activity, we developed both science promotion projects and advocacy actions in respect of the Education Law.
Through campaigns and science & human rights promotion projects, ASUR aspires to contribute to the education of a future generation that is greedy for knowledge, skeptical against unsubstantiated allegations, and especially well prepared on both personal and professional levels.

Asociația Secular-Umanistă din România has 3 current projects:

  • Training course for an integrated approach on science and human rights education

    Developing competencies of youth workers on how to integrate science and human rights education in their nonformal education activities.

    We're looking for:
    1 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2022-12-01 till 2024-12-01
    and relates to:
    Strategic Partnerships
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.
  • In The Game

    Creation of game-based learning tools on Science and Human Rights in order to increase critical thinking and argumentative skills of young people.

    Partners found!
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-04-01 till 2025-09-01
    and relates to:
    Strategic Partnerships
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.
  • YOUth STANDing OUT against pseudo-science and for the promotion of science in the service of human rights

    Through this project we want to highlight the way pseudoscience affects human rights, also to elaborate policy recommendations at national and EU levels.

    We're looking for:
    2 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2025-04-01 till 2028-04-01
    and relates to:
    Training and Networking, Strategic Partnerships, Meetings between young people and decision-makers
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.

Past projects

SCIENCIVICUS - Active Citizenship Through Science Education

Our project aims to help young people achieve a citizenry capable of informed self-government by cultivating civic engagement and a scientific mindset.

This profile has been viewed 229 times.

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Asociația Secular-Umanistă din România is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Romania (Bucharest)
  • Romania Bucharest
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
Asociația Secular-Umanistă din România in 160 characters:

Our mission is to popularize science education, human rights and critical thinking among the general public, particularly among children and youth.

Partner connections

Asociația Secular-Umanistă din România has no connections so far.

Short URL to this project:

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