HOP council aims at promotion of the potential of online and blended learning in European youth work as well as supporting it within Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps.
Objectives of the working group:
- to strengthen the value and set the example of quality online and blended learning within non-formal education in youth work field;
- to map online and blended learning developments in European youth work;
- to create space for stakeholders of European youth work to exchange views/perspectives/practices on online and blended learning;
- to support Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps national agencies and the resource centres as well as organisations active in the European youth programmes in their online and blended learning training offers;
- to build competences in online and blended learning among youth trainers, youth workers and the national agencies;
- to enhance development of the online and blended learning courses, within both European youth programmes, by providing appropriate online platform;
The council is made of external experts:
- experienced in European youth work, especially within European Union programmes;
- experienced in online learning, especially in relation to youth work non-formal learning;
- having at least 1 experience of authoring / facilitating course at HOP platform in a period of 2 years;
As well as representatives of the National Agencies and SALTO Resource Centres.
The role of external experts includes, but is not limited to:
- to consult on HOP online learning further developments;
- to influence development of quality online learning in European youth work;
- to support Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps national agencies in creation of their online learning training offers;
- to co-manage HOP online learning platform based on Moodle;
- to co-edit HOP online learning facebook page and prepare HOP podcasts;
- 25 new courses with 600 new learners involved, including at least 10 courses from Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps beneficiaries;
- mentorship of 5 courses by HOP council experts;
- enlargement of HOP council with 2 more institutions (preferably NAs);
- 15 youth trainers upskilled in online and blended learning as well as HOP platform;
- 90 new posts on HOP FB page and 6 new podcast episodes;
- HOP FB page having 2000 followers;
- HOP FB page having reach to 7000 FB users;
- HOP platform’s layout and structure adopted to needs of non-formal learning and youth work;
- ca. 25 new courses offered at HOP platform each year;
- 11 National Agencies, 5 SALTO centres and 6 beneficiaries' organisations offering courses at HOP platform;
- 4600+ learners involved in HOP courses (beg. of 2022);
- HOP facebook page publishing ca. 100 posts annually with quality content related to online and blended learning in non-formal education and youth work, followed by 1400 users (beg. of 2022);
- HOP facebook communities of learners as well as authors and facilitators;
- ca. 6 new HOP podcast episodes every year;
- 3 National Agencies and 4 SALTO Resource Centres involved;
- HOP council including 12 external experts;
The HOP online learning platform and the council is fostered by SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre, in spite of its regional responsibilities, as a general support to European youth work.
In case of any questions, please contact us at