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Youth Work & Trainers Bazaar: Summer Sessions


21 July - 1 September 2021 | Online, United Kingdom

An opportunity for Youth Workers and Non-Formal Education to explore key issues with Experts from outside ‘the sector.’ This is the second in a series of on-going events from The Bazaar.

Another opportunity for Non-Formal Education to explore key issues with professionals from outside ‘the sector’

The rationale behind the event is based on a recognition that those practitioners that occupy the Youth Work and Non-Formal Sector to a large extent exist within a bubble and there's a need to look beyond those boundaries. 

This is second event in a series of on-going events run by The Bazaar.

We like to encourage discussion between 'the sector' and those from outside in a genuine and conscious effort to explore important contemporary themes, and in doing so, stimulate, provoke and challenge existing thinking.  The more we are subject ourselves to thoughts from outside, the more we are motivated to explore other answers or possibilities.

Building on the success of the first Bazaar back in  March, i.e., Bursting the Bubble and Ideas for Change, a number of presenters will make a return to present once more, alongside one new Guest Speaker.

So, why not come along?  YOU are invited.  Join us on the following dates to explore a number of essential themes.

Wednesday 21st July, 5pm (CET):  Leave no-one behind - Empowerment for All - Gaia’s Municipal Plan for All Youth(s), Gil Nunes, Youth Worker, Municipality of Gaia, Portugal

Wednesday 21st July, 6pm (CET): Positive Psychology: Resilience - The new panacea!   Jo Wilkie, Psychologist, Casa Centro America

Wednesday 4th August, 5pm (CET): Values – We are our Values!  Yossef Ben-Meir, President, High Atlas Foundation

Wednesday 4th August, 6pm (CET): The Power of Humour!  Fergal Barr, Trainer, Humour Is Serious Business Programme

Wednesday 18th August, 5pm (CET): “Shared Vulnerability” as a driver of social change. An idea to possibly underpin future actions.  Brian DeLord, Double Helix Resources

Wednesday 18th August, 6pm (CET):  Ecological Warfare – Joining All the Dots.  Susanna Holowati, Founder of Embodytopia

Wednesday 1st September, 5pm (CET): Children and Young People: The effects of early adversity on human development,  Professor Trevor Spratt, Trinity College Dublin

To find out more about The Bazaar go to: https://www.youth-work-bazaar.net

To register go to: https://eveeno.com/316786152 

For a brochure of sessions go to: https://www.docdroid.net/ztpQZHG/the-bazaar-summer-sessions-themes-and-guest-speakers-pdf      Or click on attachment.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for Unlimited participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers, Young Leaders

Working language(s):



Youth Work and Trainers Bazaar (Others)

The Youth Work & Trainers Bazaar is an initiative involving practitioners from the Non-Formal Education field that builds connections beyond Youth Work by exploring a range of related topics using Bazaar-style events to create enriching and rewarding experiences that fuels practitioner learning.

The purpose of ‘The Bazaar’ is to create settings in different locations that mimics and captures the atmosphere, colours, smells, noise, sensation, and environment of the archetypal and traditional Middle Eastern marketplace. Visitors are never quite sure of what they will come away with, whilst traders are there to promote their wares.

The Bazaar is independent, it is self-organised, and is owned by the practitioners that form part of its collective.

It does not attempt to replicate any particular policy agenda but aims to ‘Burst the Bubble’ of Non-Formal Education and expose the wider Youth Work Community (including Trainers), to ideas and knowledge across a range of other sectors, that might provide meaningful insights that are of benefit to the non-formal sector. It is also designed to create space and openings for practitioners to bring ideas and offer up solutions to identified needs, for them to be critiqued and supported in equal measure, and where possible, help transform ideas into reality.

The Bazaar endeavours to be build upon the principle of self-organisation by also trying to self-finance events, and where possible utilise the collective knowledge, resources, networks, tools, finance and capacity of the collective in order to maximise the possibility of delivering events at low or zero costs.

Bazaar is from the Pahlavi world baha-char which means ‘the place of prices.’ Rarely is in life is anything truly free, be that with currency or whether you barter with another human being to secure something of benefit to you, there is always a price of some kind, even if that’s expending energy to attend and event, and/or engage with others whilst you are there.

With this in mind, we wish to nurture this spirit, where everyone that commits to attend must also contribute something, whether that’s time, energy, resources, ideas, an offer of some kind, or perhaps even finance

Contact for questions:

Fergal Barr


Phone: +447944595864


Participation fee

No Fee

Accommodation and food

Not Applicable

Travel reimbursement

Not Applicable

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