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Youth Work Beyond Boundaries – Virtual Reality in Action

Training Course

12-17 February 2024 | The Youth Centre Marttinen, Finland

Youth Work Beyond Boundaries training course gives participants the opportunity to get familiar with VR technology and how to use it in youth work, understand the possibilities for accessibility and exploration of identity through virtual avatars.

Youth Work Beyond Boundaries – Virtual Reality in Action -training course is a boot camp for virtual reality youth work. You will be led to a journey to virtual realities. You will get familiar with VR technology and given a first-hand experience for the possibilities to utilise virtual spaces in youth work.

The aim is to give you a confidence to organise your own activities over VR platforms and to know how to use it as a tool in youth exchanges. You do not have to have previous experience on using virtual reality platforms or owning your own VR-headsets.

We believe working with VR can be meaningful when working with young people with sexual and gender minorities, disabilities, or other young people with fewer opportunities. If you are working with these young people, the training course could give you new methods to work with.


  • to familiarise participants in using virtual reality in youth work
  • to understand the ethics in VR
  • to learn how to create a safe space in VR and a safe space to use VR-headsets
  • explore one’s own identity through a virtual character
  • try out different VR methods and compare experiences in virtual reality and in real life activities
  • understand how to use the learned methods in planning and implementation of youth exchanges
  • build up ideas for future youth exchanges using VR


  • A preparatory meeting in virtual reality before the training course (Mandatory for participation to residential training) on January 10th at 13-15 CET
  • Four day residential training in Nuorisokeskus Marttinen, Finland. (+2 travel days)

Outcome for participants:

  • Know how to use VR-headsets safely and know how to help young people to use them
  • Are familiar with potential VR-platforms and virtual places to use in the sense of youth work
  • Has a first hand experience to explore own personality through virtual avatar
  • Potentially have an idea about youth exchange what uses possibilities of virtual reality

Participant profile:

  • must be working directly with young people in local youth work
  • is interested in using VR in international youth exchanges

Safe, accessible and sustainable

In this event, we follow the principles of a safer space. We strive to ensure that everyone is met as their own self and that no one has to fear discrimination or harassment. We want you to respect the same principle.

We take sustainability in consideration where we can. Since most participants have to fly over the sea to Finland, we encourage you to travel on land within Finland. We also encourage you to contact your own national agency to find out how they support low emission travelling to activities abroad.

We provide plant-based meals, or use locally grown and produced foods, as much as possible. We also respect the diets and food allergies of all participants.


Available downloads:


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 20 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Finnish National Agency for Educatiotion - EDUFI (National Agency)

Contact for questions:

Jutta Kivimäki


Phone: +358503481709

Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.


Participation fee

This project is financed by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.

Accommodation and food

Unless specified otherwise, the hosting NA or SALTO of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.

Travel reimbursement

Please contact your NA or SALTO in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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