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Your Deeper Story

Training Course

1-9 November 2022 | Apuseni Mountains , Romania

'YOUR DEEPER STORY' - Discovering your personal mythopoetic identity through nature, art and soul-based work - is a deep immersion and transformational experience that invites you to enquire into and craft the DEEPEST STORY you live by.

'Your Deeper Story’ is a seven-day training course organized by Actions for Change from Romania, bringing together curious and hungry souls around the exploration of purpose and identity, through nature-based and soul-centric development practice.

This will be a deeply immersive and transformational experience that will invite you to enquire into, craft and shapeshift the DEEPEST STORY you live by. The story we live by is the body of beliefs we hold true in the depths of who we are and that shape things like “why am I here?”, “who am I?”, “what is the purpose of life?”, “what is my role in this world?”, “where and how do I belong?”. The current western post-industrial paradigm we have been born in has tried to give our hungry hearts some answers to these questions, but as the walls and roofs of this culture crack and collapse a bit more every day, we are often left with a gaping hole and growing doubt in the pit of our stomach. Our beings crave meaning, authenticity, belonging and connection. What if there was a deeper story to ground ourselves in? What if, there is another story, wider, deeper, older, that could feed us?

“If we surrendered to Earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees”, said Rilke. The quest for our PERSONAL MYTHOPOETIC IDENTITY is a way down and through to root ourselves in deeper, unshakable soil that will sustain us in these tumultuous times. Our personal mythopoetic identity is what is most true and most unique about each of us and that speaks to our unique gifts, purpose and contribution to the world – our soul. Soul is like a seed, an acorn lodged in the most intimate recess of ourselves, that each of us is invited to explore, be in relationship with, claim and embody so as to serve the world of humans and more-than-humans in a truly authentic way – so as to finally be who we came here to be and who the Earth most needs us to be. So we can finally serve authentically.


Soul is a mysterious being that speaks in the strange tongues of imagery, poetry, song, dreams and body movements, away from the rational and logical mind. What best medium then than ART to access this conversation? This training will be an exploration of various art forms and imagination techniques to unleash your creativity and invite soul to reveal herself through your own true voice and your own uniqueness.


If art will be one language of this course, NATURE will be another. When we human beings re-member to reconnect with nature and weave reciprocal relationship with her, we re-member something of our own deep nature. We discover the gift of being mirrored by nature and to converse with her as a way to converse with our own depths. The mysterious, ungraspable, invisible precious matter of us starts to let itself be known. We remember the wider ecology that we are part of, that we belong with, and that we are in constant interconnection and interdependence with. We open to re-learning why, truly, we are here and who we are. Through using eco-psychology and nature-based soul-centric methods, this course will aim at reawakening our innate connection with nature in order to reawaken our innate wildness.

Courting SOUL

Questing for our personal mythopoetic identity through art and nature will therefore be a journey back to SOUL that will fill us with the inspiration, guidance and empowerment that we need to stand authentically in this world and participate meaningfully to the deepest story this world knows.

During this course we will intend to:

  • Facilitate personal transformation and the emergence of personal and cultural vision through crafting a personal myth (a mythopoetic identity) through which we will serve the world.
  • Explore how artistic expression such as poetry, visual arts and movement can facilitate an authentic enquiry into ourselves and the world.
  • Discover how nature-based methods and eco-psychology can help us connect deeper to ourselves, the other and the world.
  • Create a commUNITY of heart-minded, dedicated people who create transformational learning environments in order to support and guide the authentic growth of all and create vision for individual and collective transformation.

Methods and concepts of the course:

  • Storytelling
  • Poetry
  • Collage
  • Free and Authentic movement
  • Solo and group nature wandering
  • Eco-psychology experiential work
  • Pan-cultural rituals and ceremonies
  • Wisdom practices such as The Way of Council or The Art of Mirroring
  • Personal practices for well-being
  • Deep listening and sacred speech

The guiding TRAINERS of this program : SANDRA HOREA, Sandra is a human development guide and mentor to the depths who wholeheartedly invites people to be in intimate and meaningful conversations with their Soul. She calls humans to fall in love and be relationship with Mystery, Eros, Death, Soul and live their larger story delivering their gift to the hungry world. As a guide, she creates deep purposeful spaces of inner-discoveries incorporating in her work her experience regarding depth psychology and soul-based practices, eco-centric development, embodiment, storytelling, poetry and deep imagination. She has a wide experience of 13 years in working with youth and adults in facilitating spaces of personal and community transformation. She graduated the Wild Mind Program (focusing on eco-depth psychology of wholing and healing) at Bill Plotkin’s Animas Valley Institute in the USA. At the moment she is intensively studying Soul Initiation Guiding Apprenticeship and Initiation Program (SAIP) within the same organization, an in-depth study of soul-initiation practices and guiding skills.

LUCIE KLEIN, At the heart of Lucie lies a commitment to serve the soulful unfolding of all beings. As a Chrysotherapist, Soul Initiation Guide and Geomancer, she dances with the veil between the worlds, listening for the subtle movements of the human soul and of the Earth. With fierce love, she tracks people’s mystery stories throughout life and guides them to awaken to their soul-rooted purpose. Lucie is part of the Soul Initiation Guiding Apprenticeship and Initiation Program (SAIP) at Bill Plotkin’s Animas Valley Institute. For over 12 years, she has guided groups and individuals in transformational, nature and arts-based settings. She has pioneered several nature-based healing and wholing programs across Europe and Latin America. She is the founder of Via Magus (www.viamagus.org).



Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 26 participants participants

from Armenia, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Actions for Change (Others)

Actions for Change is a non-profit organization established in 2016 dedicated to guiding and facilitating personal and community transformation with the purpose of creating an Eco-Soulcentric world where individuals discover their inner gift and serve the earth with it.

Actions for Change is dedicated to transformational education, supporting people to explore, discover and integrate their inner resources and gifts and follow their authentic life purpose by being deeply connected to the natural world. Our educational fundamentals are based on Eco-centric and Soul-centric development, experiential learning, non-formal education principles and holistic education.
Our Values: Meaning, Nature, Authenticity, Love, Courage

Our Activities are central to two directions:
Personal transformation - creating the spaces and opportunities for people coming from different socio-economical backgrounds to explore, discover and cultivate their innate human resources, their innate human wholeness. Through our workshops and projects we support the process of wholing and self-healing of individuals to step courageously into their bigger story and own their life purpose.
Community transformation - organizing workshops and projects for youth and human workers to meaningfully and impactfully shape and reinvent their resources and competences in order to contribute to building healthy human communities and life enhancing societies.

Contact for questions:

Sandra Horea


Phone: +4726504487


Participation fee

We are inviting you to contribute to Actions for Change's future local projects by making a donation from 60 to 100 Euros based on personal financial possibilities.

Accommodation and food

Materials, activities, accommodation and food are 100% covered by the Erasmus+ grant.

Travel reimbursement

The traveling costs (train, bus and plane) are also covered and will be reimbursed to the participants after the course up to the limit below. Some countries have a ‘green travel’ budget that requires participants to take a train or a bus or share personal cars to reach the destination of our project. In this way we will use a low-carbon alternatives to flights.

- Romania: 23 Euros/ person (green travel required)

- France, Armenia, Greece: 275 Euro/ person (no green travel required)

- Italy, Poland: 320 Euro/ person (green travel required)

- Portugal, Spain: 360 Euro/ person (no green travel required)

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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