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Whispers of nature

Training Course

10-20 September 2024 | Slovenia

In the training course we will focus on inspiring participants through using nature based models, adventure pedagogy, using creative art media and embodiment, accompanied with positive psychology and lifespan development.

We will mainly work on well-being and holistic development. We will research our strengths, weaknesses and other qualities we possess and see how they can serve us and the people we are working with. We will also research and learn how we can build/support capacities in youth with the use of nature and creative media, that are important to build their resilience in nowadays society, and help them to be stronger in times of crisis (personal or global).

We will also address the challenges of global warming, and what can we as youth workers do: how can we encourage and empower the youth in a positive way and help them to deal with difficult facts and emotions coming with it.

We want to dive deep into connecting with nature and your own inner landscape. 

  • Experiencing nature as a living being, our teacher, mirror, guide, healer and lover.
  • Exploring different ways how nature can serve us on our path of self discovery and better how nature can connect us with our own being.
  • Discovering how we can act as an active agent for the transformative culture on our planet.
  • Learning different ways to mentor and help others on their path of self exploration and authentic connecting.
  • Connecting with each other and finding your authentic, vulnerable and unique expression/way of being.
  • Experiencing the energy and transformational power of the intentional sacred spaces and rituals.
  • Develop different ways and capacity to speak with the Mystery, Universe around us and within us.


  • Connecting and learning with Nature. Nature is a source, a mirror and a teacher. It's a way of the world communicating with us. We will interact with nature through different activities such as wandering in nature, solo quests, earth art, movement, connecting with different non-human living beings.
  • Inner landscapes. We will explore our inner world, emotions and perception.
  • Authentic Expression and relating. We are going to explore and practice together: how to be in relationship with ourselves and with relationship with life.

Additional Methodology:

  • Experiential exercises and learning, that also applies to theory, self-reflection and contemplation. The training is process-oriented, so we follow what emerges and support what is awakening.
  • Nature-based methods: Solo time in nature, plants and animals communication, befriending the darkness, meeting our wild self, the river of life, other experiential exercises in the nature
  • Using different art/expressive mediums for different goals. We will use visual arts, expressive arts with natural materials, body movement, dance, somatic practices, poetry
  • Authentic relating and sharings: five practices of authentic relating, method of the way of the council
  • Practices for wholing and self-healing by Bill Plotkin
  • Practicing being present, deep listening and train our awareness
  • Living as a community (communal cleaning, cooking etc. and tending to our relational field.)

About the trainers and team:

Urša Belak is a psychologist and a co-founder of a small community called Institute by the forest. After exploring many different alternative and holistic approaches to self and soul healing, she found the foundation of her work to be in individuals' connection to nature as a way to personal and collective wholing and healing. The methods she uses are a combination of eco-depth psychology, different movement practices and ancient women mysteries.

Priya Barbara Balan is a social pedagogue, nature lover, farmer and facilitator. She has decades
experience of group dynamics, group process management and facilitation, counseling and mentoring for young people. She feels a passion for deep community work, empowering people, strengthening the well-being and researching elements of oneself using different art, creative, body/somatic media and experiential pedagogy in nature.

Tjaša Jamnikar is an expressive art practitioner and a somatic trainer. After a decade of traveling, studying various alternative and holistic approaches she discovered that her pillars are self-love and relation with nature all around us. She loves to create ceremonial spaces for exploring unique and genuine expressions of a human being, discovering our true selves from moment to moment. Methods she uses are a combination of authentic relating, art, various movement and mindfulness practices.


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Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovak Republic, Slovenia

and recommended for

Youth workers


Društvo Nega zemlje in duha (Others)

Contact for questions:

Društvo Nega Zemlje in duha


Phone: +386 51 848 810 (Tjaša)


Participation fee

No participation fee

Accommodation and food

The project covers all the costs for food and accommodation.

Travel reimbursement

The project covers the costs for food, accommodation and travel, according to your distance band
You can calculate the distance with the distance calculator:
For the final destination you write is Ruše, Slovenia. The distance is calculated from your place of residence to
the place of the youth exchange (one-way). The budget is the maximum budget for reimbursement for both
ways (two-way).

First price in general travel, second price is when using green travel (shared car, bus, train)
From 0. To 10 km: 0 eur from 10 to 99 km: 28 EUR 56 EUR
from 100 to 499 km: 211 EUR 285 EUR
from 500 to 1999 km: 309 EUR 417 EUR
from 2000 to 2999 km: 395 EUR 535 EUR

According to this we are adding approximate travel reimbursement per country. First price is general travel, second green travel. Slovenia:28-200 eur Croatia, Hungary: 28-285 eur Italy, France, Netherlands, Estonia, Greece: 309-417 eur In case of questions please refer to the distance calculator described above or send us an email.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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