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Wanderlust II training course - resilience with arts and outdoors

Training Course

12-22 September 2022 | Bátonyterenye, Hungary

The training course provides learning opportunities for 27 youth workers about possible wellbeing program designs for youth and facilitation experience based on the HEART method for the group of 20 young people as an inbuilt on-the-job experience.

WANDERLUST aims to address youth workers who want to work with resilience and wellbeing approaches and tools during the two times 10 days residential learning activities & through the HEARTLAND online course participation. 


The project was born inspired by the “HEART” method - the synergy of outdoor experiential education and art methodologies. https://elmenyakademia.hu/en/projects/heart-en/heart-tools-en/ 


Wanderlust has a partnership of 10 countries: Élményakadémia - Hungary, ViaKreaktion - Germany, Outward Bound Romania, Outward Bound Croatia, Synergy Bulgaria, Lugar Especifico - Portugal, Association Experientia - Spain, Citta del Sole - Italy. Rabais Kakis - Latvia, Move to be You - Austria.


Our aims are to support:

recognition of wellbeing development reached at an individual and professional level thus building a positive self-confidence of youth workers and their young target groups;

recognition and visibility of positive influences of resilience within non-formal learning and youth work context in general. 

to involve “disadvantaged youth workers” (early symptoms of burnout and exhaustion) 

support the longevity and satisfactory youth work careers and paths

to create innovative adaptations and develop local youth work through a combination of safer, more inclusive approaches to youth work that is accessible to disadvantaged - mild mental health related young people

to involve target groups from different backgrounds and to work together in an integrated group


WANDERLUST project design contains the following activities:

HEARTLAND SALTO HOP Online course about resilience tools and curricula in order to design your own wellbeing workshops for youth. Participants go through a partly self-directed learning process and peer-leading support.  The online course is part of the training, and our best hope is everyone completes it before the training.

WANDERLUST II. - 12-22 September 2022: The second residential training course of the Wanderlust flow provides learning opportunities for 27 youth workers about possible wellbeing program designs for youth and facilitation experience based on the HEART method for the group of 20 young people as an inbuilt on-the-job experience. This second residential training is meant to function as a practice based on the online learning course and the HEART tools/method. The second offline training gives first-hand results on how the method can be used on young people.

The last day of the event is dedicated to a conference called HEARTLAND where experts show the HEARTLAND resilience tools for 80 youth workers.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 27 participants

from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth project managers, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Élményakadémia KHE (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Zoltán Kozár


Phone: +36304888440


Participation fee

Financial contribution from each participant is required upon individual situation & decision: 

Reduced fee: 30,00 €  

Standard fee: 50,00 €

The participation fee (“reduced”, “standard”) can be paid during the registration on the arrival day.

We don’t want anyone to miss out on the training. If you want to participate, but the only obstacle is financial resources, please email us at zoltan.kozar@elmenyakademia.hu.

Accommodation and food

Food and accomodation are covered by the Erasmus+ Fund.

Travel reimbursement

Country       Nr. of pax Travel budget/person Green travel Sending organization


Portugal 3ppl 360 EUR 410 EUR Lugar Específico, unip Lda

Latvia 2 ppl  275 EUR 320 EUR Raibais Kakis 

Italy 3 ppl  275 EUR 320 EUR Citta Del Sole

Spain 3 ppl 275 EUR 320 EUR AE Experientia

Germany 3 ppl  275 EUR 320 EUR Via KreAktion

Bulgaria 3ppl  275 EUR 320 EUR Synergy Bulgaria

Romania 3 ppl  180 EUR 210 EUR Outward Bound Romania

Croatia 2 ppl 180 EUR 210 EUR Outward Bound Croatia

Austria 2 ppl 180 EUR 210 EUR MOVE to Be you

Hungary 3 ppl 20 EUR - Élményakadémia Khe.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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