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Training Course

19-27 June 2016 | Maria Stock Pilgrim Trail, Czech Republic

Pilgrimage and outdoor guided activities as a tool for personal development, learning and transformation. WANDERFUL! is an experiential training course and journey through our inner and outer landscapes.
FOR WHOM: youth workers, youth guides and mentors, personal development trainers, who: - wish to experience pilgrimage and reflect on own inner process, - are interested in exploring the potential of pilgrimage and outdoor guided activities as a tool for personal development, learning and transformation, - work with young people and have space and wish to use outcomes of the training back home, - are ready to spend one week walking in Czech landscape, in very basic conditions, in community with 20 people from different countries, - are able to work in English. OBJECTIVES: Main objective of the training is to explore pilgrimage and outdoor guided activities as a tool for personal development, learning and transformation in youth work. For this we will use the personal experience of a pilgrim who leaves his/her certainties behind and starts his/her journey out towards unknown landscape, finds him/herself in new unusual situations. In the same time he/she has possibilities available for learning from those moments. Further these experiences will be systematically used and analysed as an example for the transfer into participants' realities. METHODOLOGY: Group of 20 youth workers from different European countries will pilgrim together through Czech landscape. We will be sleeping outside, cooking for ourselves, sharing different approaches and tools connected with community and nature based youth work. In the beginning there will be more of personal experience and individual reflection. Towards the end the focus will be more on how to use this experience back home in favour of our youngsters and communities. MAIN ASPECTS OF THE PROGRAMME: - Exploring our characters, strengths, values, roles as guides, youth workers and trainers. - Sharing about pilgrimage in different times and cultures. - Possible use of pilgrimage in education, youth work and training. - Reflecting and sharing about tools of transformations and pilgrimage as one of them. - How to adapt pilgrimage to our realities, conditions, target groups, resources, personal styles. - Discovering our ways of dealing with challenges, understanding the potential of difficulties. - How to prepare a pilgrimage, what to expect, what to have in mind for the logistics. - Collecting the outcomes of the week, plans for future, networking, closing ceremony. Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/820953378034371/ If you are interested to participate, apply here by May 15th 2016: http://goo.gl/forms/Z7SI8mtGkZ If you find this offer later, you can still apply, we will inform you about the current situation. TEAM: Honza Látal, Helena Kosková, Vojta Tutr

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 20 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Nature guides

Working language(s):



Natural Spirit (Youth NGO)



  • Čia Čekija (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Helena Kosková


Phone: +420 777 961 443


Costs consists of three parts: - Food, accommodation (including 3 nights under roof), material, preparations: 110€ - Programme facilitation, administrations, logistics: 90€ - Your bonus contribution to the team of trainers: you choose according to your satisfaction. We don't provide travel arrangements neither travel costs reimbursement.
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