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Walking towards gender equality TRAINING COURSE

Training Course

27 April - 4 May 2025 | GANDIA, Spain

PLEASE READ INFOPACK BEFORE APPLYING. The purpose of the project is to work, debate and reflect about gender equality topics providing tools and resources to youth workers to develop NFE activities

Topics and content to be addressed are:

  • To know and identify the characteristics of patriarchy and the inequalities that it generates, delving into gender roles, stereotypes and identities.
  • To recognize the diferent types of violence generated by the patriarchal system (psychological, physical, sexual, economic, labor, symbolic violence, etc.)
  • To understand how patriarchy afects everybody, regardless of their sex and gender.
  • To enhance participant ́s creativity and encourage self-reflection
  • To exercise oral presentation and group debate ; and be open to discuss and think together about any other related topic that might arise during the course.

We believe that working on these topics with creative and innovative tools will provide the participants with resources for the development of future projects that they want to carry out, both collectively and individually, allowing the achievement of the following objectives:
* Providing non-formal and informal learning opportunities for the educational and professional development of workers in the field of youth, providing tools and experiences that enhance their skills.
* Creating a community and network of youth workers that can support the quality of projects and activities for young people in EU programs and beyond.
* Developing local work practices in the field of youth and contributing to the development of the capacity for quality work in the field of youth for the participants and their organizations.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This Training Course is

for 30 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Working language(s):



Associació Arrel d'Idees (Youth NGO)


Contact for questions:

Josie Benedit


Phone: +34617852439


Participation fee

There is no participation fee. PLEASE READ INFOPACK BEFORE APPLYING.

Accommodation and food

All costs are covered by the organisation. PLEASE READ INFOPACK BEFORE APPLYING.

Travel reimbursement

100% of the travel costs will be reimbursed up to the maximum indicated in the Erasmus+ guide 2025.  PLEASE READ INFOPACK BEFORE APPLYING.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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