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Walk the Talk Training Course

Training Course

2-12 May 2025 | Cantabria, Spain

A training course on Leadership that looks at the concept of leadership with a human-centred focus to encourage responsible leadership.

Concretely in the educational field, we find that, both for educators and learners, there is a misuse or misunderstanding of the concept of leadership. In this field, as in others, this can affect the performance and productivity and success of the work within a group due to a lack of understanding each other and of the concept of responsible leadership.

The main aim of the project is to equip youth workers to lead both personal projects and teams effectively, with relevance and sustainability and by learning how to address shifting contexts.

Why should you walk the talk with us?

  • You want to learn how to lead both your personal projects and groups;
  • You want to lead effectively, with a relevant impact and sustainably;
  • You want to enhance your communication, decision-making, and problem solving skills;
  • You want to boost your empathy, your confidence and the confidence of others’;
  • You believe in growth, adaptability, and positive impact;
  • You’re interested in aligning your personal goals with your work.

When and where will you take the lead?

From the 2nd till the 12th of May 2025 (travel days included).

Our project will take place at PAS Coliving nestled in the beautiful rural area of Cantabria, in Villegar de Toranzo.

About the project’s methods & vision

The learning methods that we will use during the Walk the Talk training are based on non-formal education, and will be presented in an interactive and practical way, participants will go through experiential learning processes.

We will work with various theoretical backgrounds, such as:

  • Non-Violent Communication
  • Edge Leadership Styles
  • Design Thinking focused on IDGs
  • And many more!

Expected Participants - You should apply if you...

  • are genuinely interested in exploring and developing your leadership potential.
  • are actively seeking a transformative learning experience.
  • are willing to apply leadership skills gained during the training to your future projects and initiatives.
  • are willing to consider the leadership skills learnt both for immediate impact and/or for long-term growth.

We are looking for participants over 18 who have worked or are currently working with youth or groups of young adults in a position of leadership or as part of a team. You can apply to this project if you are from, or are a resident in: Turkey, Germany, Georgia, The Netherlands, France, North Macedonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Portugal or Spain.

‘Walk the Talk’ is a project that is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated and implemented by Papaya Association in close collaboration with its local partners, such as PAS Co-Living, and its international partners. The training course team will be formed by the facilitators Isabel McLean, Juliana Constaín, with the coordination of Gabriela Braneanu and support of Evaristo Valls. They all have various experiences in Erasmus+, leading international groups, international project management, facilitating non-formal education learning experiences, Design Thinking and much more.

Apply by 10 March 2025 

Results will be shared shortly after.

Any questions about Walk the Talk? Contact us at: info@papaya-association.com

Infopack: https://papayaproject.my.canva.site/walkthetalk

Application form: https://forms.gle/9nEZrs9a1Cv65FheA


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Applications are closed

The application deadline was 10 March 2025.

Date of selection: 17 April 2025

Training overview


This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Spain, Türkiye

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Papaya Association (Others)

Contact for questions:

Gabriela Braneanu


Phone: +306944068757


Participation fee

There is no participation fee for this training course.

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and food are covered by the Erasmus+ programme.

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the distance band and instructions from the infopack.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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