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WAFER: Volunteer ACT!

Training Course

14-21 February 2015 | Amarante, Portugal

The project aims to empower young people and youth workers with skills and knowledge to design, develop and lead volunteer projects focused on active citizenship, from the idea to its implementation to give them active role in society.
"Youth projects for active citizenship” will gather 20 participants from at least 5 countries in Amarante, Portugal, for training of multipliers on youth international and volunteer projects. The aim of the project is to contribute to sustainability and innovation in international youth and volunteer work, by raising skills and capacities of young people to initiate, design and organize specific creative and innovative grass-root projects and activities focused on Active European Citizenship. The working methods during the training course will be based on informal and non-formal learning, will contribute to personal development of participants, and will create space for grass-root approach, innovation and creativity of participants. Practical dimension of the training will allow to use skills and knowledge in practice – by developing specific, creative and grass-root ideas and by acting as multipliers in local communities and local organizations. Participants will also share examples and own volunteering stories, explore cultures and working realities of each other. Following topics will be addressed: • social inclusion aspects in international youth and volunteer projects, how to make an activity truly inclusive; • volunteering and active citizenship on local, national and international level. Ideas for joint international activities to promote volunteering and active citizenship among young people; • How to transfer ideas to project • How to organize volunteer project, manage and motivate volunteers; • How to involve local comunity, how to achieve it and make it work in practice. Participants will not only discuss these issues in the context of international youth and volunteer projects, share experiences and realities of different countries. They will develop ideas for joint projects on these issues, thus going with support of trainers through project management step-by-step, working on specific and realistic ideas, which will be born during the project and continue to grow afterwards with support of partners involved and other local activists. For more information look draft of program attached

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 20 participants

from Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal

and recommended for

Youth leaders, youth activists, youth

Working language(s):



Associazione InformaGiovani (Youth NGO)

Associazione InformaGiovani was established in 2001. It aims at foster and promote human and civil rights, with focus on right to information and participation; defend social and collective rights; promote local and international volunteering as tools for social inclusion and active citizenship. The association runs activities of information, training and counselling, seminars on EU programmes, on social volunteering and international cooperation, focusing on inclusion and rehabilitation of young people who are or risk experiencing social exclusion. Since 2008 organizes youth exchanges and international workcamps, involving about 250 participants. It is accredited as HSC organization for EVS. Since 2009 is leading an informal European network for social volunteering and social inclusion and co-operates with Italian Juvenile Justice System to train youth workers and include young offenders in international activities.

Contact for questions:



Phone: +39 366 933 9944


Activity is co-funded by Youth in Action 4.6. Local board and lodging are fully covered. Travel costs are covered up to 50% for each participant, with a maximum reimbursement of 260 euro per participants (520 maximum ticket). If the participant is not insured, we will ask an insurance fee of 6 Euro. Arrival to Porto airport on 14th February must be before 14.00. Departure from Porto have to be after 14:00.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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