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Training Course

13-21 November 2015 | Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

“Economic crisis, poverty, youth unemployment, social exclusion, discrimination, human rights’ violations” are words that we hear almost every day. In this discouraging context, YEU invites you to participate and to take part in this training course!!
Dear Friends! “Economic crisis, poverty, youth unemployment, social exclusion, discrimination, human rights’ violations” are words that we hear almost every day. In this discouraging context, YEU invites you to participate, inspire change and refine the existing situation! You are welcome to take part in this training course! Before your decision, let us introduce you to the events. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Training course (TC) Youth work empowers youth to work Dates: 14-20/11/2015 (arrival is the 13th November and departure the 21th November) Place: Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Number of participants: 26 young people APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE ONLINE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS ON YEU INTRANET: http://intranet.yeu-international.org/events/details/event/71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizers Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) is an International Non-Governmental Youth Organization established in 1986 and member of the European Youth Forum in Brussels as an INGYO. YEU looks forward to increase tolerance and awareness between different countries, cultures and traditions, and to promote a greater level of comprehension through the development of various youth activities. The main aim of YEU is to promote peace, understanding and co-operation between the young people of the world, in a spirit of respect for human rights. YEU is a non-profit making, interdenominational youth organization independent of all political affiliation, run by young people for young people by means of a democratic structure. Visit our website for more details about YEU: www.yeu-international.org CEREBRA is an organization that works on the empowerment of youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by equipping them with modern knowledge, transferable skills and attitudes required for a success. Our Mission is to create young winners equipped with modern knowledge, transferable skills and attitudes required for success. CEREBRA mainly works with youth although its target groups are older adults too. We organise seminars to provide opportunities for the youth to learn skills that are required on the labour market, we provide opportunities to our members to travel around the region and elsewhere in Europe. We believe that acquiring modern/transferable skills and gaining experience from their peers are the most important elements for one's development in our rapidly changing world. Our activities are predominantly aimed at educational programmes and travelling opportunities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Context Youth unemployment remains a society’s problems nowadays. Yet, the key to the solution is not to adopt fast solutions but sustainable ones. Solutions that empower young people to stand on their own feet. When formal education fails to do this, youth organizations feel the need to address it. The activity “Youth work empowers youth to work” is consisted of a 7days training course (TC) which will take place in Banja Luka in November 2015. The TC will gather 30 youth workers aiming to enhance their skills in empowering young people to overcome unemployment. The TC intends to explore the current situation regarding unemployment in BiH and Europe, the conditions under which youth live, their educational background, the match (or mismatch) between their studies and what they want to do in their lives. The need to provide sustainable rather that temporary solutions will be explicitly discussed. The TC will equip youth workers with tools that enable youth to raise self-awareness, identify their talents, their skills, their interests and passions and thus follow what they want to do in their lives. Youth workers will be skilful to affirm the talents of youth, to inspire them and to empower them to overcome unemployment. The TC will also engage youth workers in creating strategic plans (on national or international level) in which they will put in practice the tools and skills gained during the TC. The idea is to have follow-up activities on the topic. The European dimension of the activity is achieved not because it will bring together youth from different countries of Europe. During the TC, special attention will be given to identify different realities regarding youth unemployment and the social situation of youth all over Europe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The idea of the training course “ Youth work empowers youth to work” The TC “Youth work empowers youth to work” aims at enhancing youth workers’ skills in empowering young people to overcome unemployment. The TC will equip youth workers with tools that allow young people to identify their talents, their skills, their interests and passions in order to get employed (or self-employed). The three concrete objectives of the training course are: • To explore current situation regarding unemployment and discuss the need for sustainable solutions to address the problem • To provide youth workers with tools that empowering young people to overcome unemployment • To create strategic plans in which youth workers will include empowerment for employability in their activities If the activity is 100% successful, 30 skillful youth workers from different countries who will be motivated and prepared to empower young people to overcome the problem of unemployment. By the end of the training, participants are expected to have their own strategic plan on how to empower young people to overcome unemployment by finding and following their element. Going further, if the strategic plans of the youth workers are 100% successful, then hundreds of unemployed young people will be empowered to identify their interest, their skills, their dreams and overcome unemployment, gain back their autonomy and their strength. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why in Banja Luka? Banja Luka also has almost no international events – young people feel cut off when it comes to international cooperation, participation in European/EU programmes. As the country itself, due to quite complicated situation is struggling with EU integrations, by bringing different realities to their own, we could give them hope that many things are still possible, as we are expecting participation of local youth as well. Banja Luka is also city where our Member Organization Cerebra is situated, and it gives us additional support in getting in touch with local community and young people. The TC will equip the youth workers involved with tools that allow young people to identify their talents, their skills, their interests and passions in order to get employed (or selfemployed). In cooperation with our Member Organization, but also other youth organizations of civil society, we want to influence youth workers of Banja Luka to give additional support to young people and get back the very much -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gender perspective There will be 30 participants directly involved in this activity. They will be coming from different countries from YEU member organizations which cover mainly the continent of Europe and the neighbouring countries. This will support the European dimension and the intercultural character of the activity. The target group will be youth workers who are motivated to empower young people to overcome unemployment. YEU believes that it is also important that youth workers have a basic experience in youth work and commitment to implement their strategic plans. YEU believes that youth workers with this profile will have the necessary motivation, skills, knowledge and commitment in empowering young people to overcome unemployment. As you have noticed, the activity involves youth workers from Morocco and Egypt. The reason to involve them is because young women in these countries usually face a lot of difficulties in following the career they want. Since gender perspective of this international activity is very important and very much taken into consideration, we believe that this training course will build the capacities of the youth workers to work with young women there. In this way, the project will have an impact in empowering young women from Egypt and Morocco to identify and pursue the career they want. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methodology The meeting will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved. Some of the methods used will be the following: • Ice-breakers, energisers. • Inputs from experts • Intercultural and experiential learning • Variety of visuals for thematic input • Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary.

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 26 participants

from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Türkiye, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):




Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) is an international Non-Governmental Youth Organization established in 1986. It is a member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) in Brussels and considered as a European level non-governmental youth organization by the European Union and the Council of Europe.

The aims of YEU are:
- To realize youth activities to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among the young people of the world, both between and within continents, particularly by encouraging the exchange of information, ideas and opinions;
- To promote co-operation and mutual aid in the developed and the developing countries for cultural, educational and social purposes;
- To work towards resolving conflicts and promotion of peaceful societies through recognition and respect for others;
- To improve the relationships and promote tolerance among young people of different cultural or political realities;
- To work together on issues related to protection of the environment and sustainability;
- To support and promote the health and well-being of young people in order to improve quality of life;
- To encourage the active involvement of all young people in society without distinction because of race, social status, educational levels or any other disadvantage.

YEU’s mission is to promote peace and to increase tolerance and awareness between different countries, cultures and traditions, and to promote a greater level of comprehension. The mission of the organization is achieved through the development of youth exchanges, seminars, conventions, meetings, study visits and training courses based on the principles of non-formal education, experiential learning and self-directed learning. In addition to that, YEU constantly analyzes the needs of young people all over Europe and aims to address them through the projects which organizes. YEU also pays a lot of attention in creating youth policies, participating in important youth events on European level and producing educative manuals.


  • CEREBRA (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Tamara - Giulia


Phone: -


Youth for Exchange and Understanding will cover 70% of travel costs (maximum travel costs are indicated below) from the resident country. The food and lodging cost will be covered by YEU and Cerebra. The participants are obliged to have receipts of all tickets they will use, boarding passes and invoices of the credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments otherwise they will not be reimbursed! In addition, the participants are expected to fully participate in the sessions unless there are health related unexpected circumstances. If there is unjustified absence from the sessions, YEU will not reimburse the participants. All participants will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer. The project is funded by the European Youth Foundation and there's a lump sum of 8.000,00€ foreseen for travel expenses. If you are selected, we will send you the maximum travel costs limits and all the other practical details, also according to VISA needs and composition of the participants group.
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